Self discipline will help you change your ways of life.

For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and correction and instruction are the way to life,

Proverbs 6:23

Reproofs, corrections, instruction or confrontation from the word of God are designed to bring change in our lives. The book of Proverbs tells us that change is the way of life. If we want to walk with God, have his perfect will and experience the fullness of his plan for our lives, we must continually change. The process of change has much to do with "taking off and putting on".



Self discipline will help you change your ways of life through taking off old thoughts and putting on thoughts of God.

Knowing all about nutrition and exercise without removing the negative thoughts and habits that create an unhealthy life style will still lead to over - weight and out of shape.

Hearing or learning the truth is not enough to set you free unless you abide and live in the word that you now know and the truth will then set you free. You must allow the truth to take off old thoughts and replace it with new thoughts from the word of God.

Many are quoting the scriptures about finance, health, marriage, or family without being free in these areas. Why? Learning the verse does not mean you have changed.

  • The thought that are not with the thought of God must be replaced or rejected by the truth.

  • The new man cannot be put on without the old man being taken off.

  • You cannot build a successful Christian Life on a negative or wrong foundation.

  • The scripture has given us the foundation of how we should build on. Philippians 4:8- Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Be ready to fix your mind on what the word of God says. Give yourself to meditate and ponder. Focus your mind on the thought of God.


Don't let your family traditions, religious traditions and fleshly stubbornness keep you from growing and changing. Discipline yourself to accept changes as a way of life based upon the word of God.


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I am @Mhizerbee.

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