Yesterday, I was laying in bed to reflect on the words from the Bible captured in Ephesians 4:26

New King James Version
“Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath,

The truth is that Paul through the help of the Holy Spirit understood that we would be angry with one another. However, he clearly advised that we should not let the sun to go down on the anger least it becomes an avenue for satan to capitalize on and create a discord among the parties involved.

Back the in school, I lived in the hostel and for obvious reasons I have been too social in the hall that anyone would easily point at me at the mentioning of my name. This perhaps was because of the bunky I had who was a great Spirit fill student evangelist. Someone came and picked his water bucket from the room and used it to wash cloths.

He was just too upset that he couldn't control the anger. As such, he smashed the bucket on the floor and that was it. And till we left school no one forgot that single act by brother Etim as he was called. The other young man was just angry too that he immediately went to the supermarket to purchase a new bucket to come replace the other on while promising that he would live to remember the scene.

The was certainly no need for bro Etim to have over reacted in such manner. Neither is the other student right to have chosen to replace the bucket rather than apologize for his actions.

I could tell from the action and inaction from these two fellow that they were not ready to settle that issue in two years to come. Now its over five years and I met one of them and immediately I brought up the name of the other person. He sighed while telling me to ignore the topic.

It worries me how a young man would cope with his wife in the future because it seems like both of them have unforgiving Spirit,

Paul foresaw this strive among partners and couples thus he advice that the issue or case should be settled amicable before the sun goes down.

Beloved, we do not own our lives and as such God may decide to take us out from this world at any given time. The question now is what would you tell God? That you were too upset and hurt that you could not apologize or accept the one that was offered by the offender? Or you would perhaps tell God that you were not of the person's reputation.

Dearly beloved. I pray that you let go of the hurt and pains that the other party had caused you and be ready to work with the word of God as instructed. Thank you for doing so.

Do have a beautiful weekend and be opened to forgive.

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