21 Day Fast and Beliving in Breakthroughs (Day 1)

My family celebrating before eating a meal several years ago


This should be a quick post, but just as we don't want to limit the holy spirit when we pray I will try not to edit out the divine for the sake of brevity. This post is meant to be a catalog of how God is working in my life as well as the lives of the church community my family and I are apart of in the hope that my testimony (and the testimonies I relay from others) serves to uplift others and praise God.

It also will serve as a diary for my walk and help me recount the things that God does for us throughout the year.


Mathew 6:16-18

“And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."

Fasting has never been a part of my faith journey, being an American, and not growing up in church the idea of denying yourself something for a set amount of time to grow closer to God was very foreign. So when the call by our Pastor to fast, to take the time we spend eating, or thinking about food, or preparing food, or debating on what food we should eat and turning our mind to Gods good works, and his will for our lives well.. I didn't want anything to do with it. Which was how I knew it was the right thing to do.

Oh, and it's worth noting that the fast my wife and I are engaging in is a 23-1 fast. Meaning we eat once a day in the evening having only water between meals.

Believing in Breakthroughs

My experience in Church as a teenager could be summed up as dull. The small Church I was invited to by my girl friend, and future wife (Two separate people) had faith in God, but feared the holy spirit, and it always felt like the joy they expressed in the Lord was repressed and that only the young believed in miracles. It was a sad place most of the time, a congregation on a slow hymn field death march to heaven.

Thankfully this isn't the case in the Church my family now attends, they hoop, they holler, they welcome the holy spirit, and it shows. It's also the second church in my nearly 30 years of being a believer where I don't just call it my "home church" but it actually feels like home.

So as a part of that, I'm coming out of my shell and believing in and pursuing Gods will in my life, I am excited to see how he works through his people this year as we gather together in a corporate fast calling out to God for his presence.

What am I believing in? Rhema Games was a word from God given to my wife and matches up with who we are, but my friends it is not easy to start a game studio, it is not easy to find funding, it is not easy to make a mark on this world. I am believing in explosive growth, in shared vision, in provision, and the ability to create generational lasting impact on my family and those that we employ.

Day 1

I could go through the bible and mention all the times that God shows up, and many more instances where He required His followers to persist for a time before the desires of their hearts are granted. I never had an issue with this concept persistence and grit had always been taught in my family, as well as being content in what you have. However, a discontentment grows in me and I know I'm being called to ministry in some fashion. I am certain it revolves around @rhemagames and the work that we do there. I am beyond hope when it comes to our fledgling game studio.

May God bless you and keep you.

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