From Quora: If You are Young and So Interested in Demons, is that Strange?

Hello all! I just wanna share my answers to Quora questions here too! This is the first one. It's a pretty good one to start with imho.

Disclaimer: I am not an expert in Catholicism but I was born, raised and live as a Catholic. Also, I went to a Catholic school for 4 yrs. My answer/s is/are based on a combination of my opinion, what I've been taught, learned and/or experienced.

Quora Asks: Is it weird that I'm so interested in demons?

I'm only fifteen and I'm considering taking a demonology course online, is that strange?

My Answer:

Well I heard or read somewhere that even Catholic priests study such things. (Because you can never fight something you do not understand.) I don’t think it’s bad as long as you don’t make a pact with them.

They are subtle and can influence you without you even knowing about it. They attack the mind, especially those who are smart and also proud of their intelligence.


Taking the course may be over the top but hey that’s what you’re interested in. When I was a kid I asked my mom to buy a booklet (meant for teens or kids) I saw in a bookstore about ghosts and such.

I like fantasy and sci-fi stories so reading about those things are also fascinating to me. But that’s the extent of it. These days there are a lot of information online so one has to be careful at what we read or see.

We all supposedly have free will so who are we to tell you not to study what you want? The problem here is, at fifteen you are still easily influenced by various things.

You need protection if you will delve into such topics. I suggest that if you belong to any religion, consult this question with the local priest, rabbi, etc.. They are the experts on such topics.

Curiosity is one thing but getting into demonology without guidance or protection isn’t a wise thing to do. Even non-Catholics need exorcism by Catholic priests you know. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


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