Garden Journal - August 2020, part 2 - Homesteading

It's the end of the month and @simplymike wants our updates - except I am going to break mine into two more parts... (I have over 20 pictures to share!)

Here's what's happening in my garden!


One of my biggest lessons in designing my intercropping this year was learning how beneficial it is to grow flowers. I can't tell you everything right here... but most of them, at the very least, attract beneficial insects. Many also discourage bad insects. Some of them are also useful medicinally... such as this calendula.



I've already made two pints of calendula oil, one pint of calendula extract and have dried enough flower heads to save another pint or so of calendula tea. I'm also saving seeds for next year.

Just when I thought I knew all the things growing in my garden, I had several surprises... including this lovely nasturtium (already well-nibbled by something.)



This lively African Marigold is a flower that actively chases away bad insects, so it's very welcome in my garden!



The cabbages are beginning to form heads. This crops looks good - I think I'll need to be canning a lot of it in a few weeks!

Similarly, the brussels sprouts are starting to form their miniature heads.

Next to them, my two kale plants are doing quite well. (below)



Other plants


I do like surprises... of this nature, anyway. A solo carrot (or two) shows its leaves (the feathery ones) in the picture above.

Below (the red leaves and the green leaves with red veins) are some beets (I think) or maybe some mixed greens.



The radish is still working on seeds, which I plan to harvest.

Below is the artichokes still plugging away. I need to look up how to overwinter them as it's about to get too cold for them. (We had snow before the end of September last year.)


Part three, I will show you the rest of where my garden is plus another pair of surprises - one good, one bad.

Photos taken in Aug 2020 with my Nikon D7200.

Past issues...


Chickens - A Little About Our Breeds
Chick Update and the new Warming Plate
Chickens Grow Quickly
Building our Chicken Tractor
Reinforcing our Chicken Tractor
The Circle of Life

Gardening in Wyoming

Garden Journal - May 2020
Garden Journal - June 2020
Garden Journal - July 2020
Garden Journal - August 2020, part 1

Indoor Gardening

Terrarium Building

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
(Buy my work at RedBubble, TeePublic, PicFair and DeviantArt.)
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