Cultivating Abundance: A Glimpse into My Home Garden

Having a garden these days is something we must all emulate particularly those who have a space at the back of their home. I think if every home has its vegetable and domestic animal raised for consumption, the over-reliance on goods that come forth from the market will be reduced and also the price of these items will certainly reduce drastically. I'm sure no one wants inflation in terms of the food we eat because that is going to be a disaster.

It is also important to know that no nation can survive without feeding its citizens. Food is an essential commodity we need to live as human beings.

With the daily skyrocketing of food items and other basic human needs, this present administration under our new president has taught me but one thing, which is priority self-made cultivation of food such as vegetables and peppers and cassava and, in fact, rearing of domestic animals.

Although I'm a teacher and also a part-time fashion designer. I believe that isn't enough if I have a free space in my backyard and I didn’t cultivate them. A good job was done by my husband, who made it possible to have such a big compound by farm and even rear animals.

Today, I'm going to show you my garden and a few of the farm products I planted.

The above is the picture of the cassava I planted in my compound. I planted this in January before the rain started. So I can say that the cassava roof was already on the ground before the rain session. By October or November, I'm sure it will be ready to harvest. The good thing is cassava occupies a larger space in our compound, so I don't think it will be used by us alone. I'm considering selling it off once we have enough for the house. The cassava doesn't need anything other than the natural thing it needs to survive.

The next on the list is maize. It doesn't occupy much space in the garden because the one I planted inside the cassava couldn't survive. I guess the cassava chook them out. It was after I realised this that I had to plant another set, so the picture above is one of the new sets of maize I planted. In about a month a try about these sets should be ready for harvest. I do have some challenges, too, as some of the maize didn't germinate well, and I didn't know what caused this; maybe the soil or insects. Who knows?

I planted pawpaw, too, as seen above. I planted about eight of them in the garden. The only thing I do about them is just to water it in the morning and at times in the night. Some of them have started bringing forth fruit while some are taking their time. Maybe in about a month or two, I may start harvesting some of their fruits. I have to do is wait for the perfect time.

The next on the list is planting. I planted them in large numbers in my gardens. Although, I didn't plant it all in one go. Like yesterday, I planted about 10 suckers in addition to about 9 suckers I had already planted.

I think it might take a year before I start harvesting them. I just have to wait for the best time to do that. I wanted to plant more, but I was advised against it as I was told that the plantings might occupy too much space with time.

The above picture is the image of the vegetable I planted in my garden. I have them in large quantities with various types. I do harvest them day by day. Although, I have a challenge which makes me feel less confident about planting more vegetables. It is the insects and changes in colours that I experience daily that discourage me further. Unless I can find a lasting solution, or should I just adopt a new method?

The last but not the least on my list is coconut and oranges. I planted them in twos. I have one coconut at the front of the house and one at the back, which is also the same way I did for the oranges.

Tomorrow, I will be sure to expose you to the domestic animals I rear in my garden. Today is just for plantation experience. Have a nice day.

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