Back to slow world


After a long and intensive weekend at the Barcelona Beer Festival, I got back to Escalos at Sunday midnight. I took a two hour flight and drove for 2:30 hours to reach my destination. The weather forecast announced rain all week starting today, so I decided to go to the quinta and advance as much farm work as I could.

I started testing the grass trimmer. After using the tractor, a few spots are left to be done by hand, as the tractor could not fit everywhere. I mounted the blade on the trimmer, added some gasoline and spend a couple of hours taking care of all the grass around the well area. The photo above shows the end result abd there is a closer view in this other photo.


It was my first time using one of these devices, I used screen protection for my face and eyes and kept my sunglasses on as the sun started to raise, and although temperatures were nice, it was not as warm as the week before.


I also tested the branch chain saw to trim a couple of olive tree branches the guy using the tractor scratched getting too close to some of the trees. One of them was big enough to let me get some firewood.



The wind started blowing hard after lunch, announcing the expected weather change. I left the solar panel charging the power bank and drove to Alcains, a slightly bigger village with a laundromat to get all my cloths clean.


While leaving Escalos you could already see the clouds coming from the Atlantic Ocean


At night, I stopped at one of the bars in town to bring a present to Eugenio, the owner. He was really happy about it and invited me to try some belgian beer with him.


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