Welcome home red wigglers

I’ve been wanting to try vericomposting for awhile now especially since I have more time during this covid crap but since it’s freezing here in Ontario, Canada I couldn’t have them shipped to me. After searching for the closest supplier I found them 3 1/2 hours away near Ottawa. I hopped in my car and off I went to bring them home!

If you don’t know about vericomposting or red wigglers, they have one job eat and poop out black gold. The worm castings they produce after eating kitchen scraps is amazing for all kinds of gardening and is highly sought after in my area. They live indoors and so not need soil as they just live about 4-6 inches burrowing into the shredded newspaper or cardboard, coconut coir sprinkled with crushed egg shells.
Here is my set up!




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