Sugarcane cultivation: yesterday and today

Hello friends, Yesterday, I suddenly got a chance to go to the village. It was a small task.Friends, I live there because my job is in Mumbai. My village is two hours away from Mumbai. I am a farmer's son. We have a lot of farming in the village. All types of crops are grown in the fields, but these days sugarcane has been grown more. By the way, the season of corn and sunflowers is over. When I went to the village three months ago, the crop of Sugarcane was very small. When I went there now, I saw that it had grown quite big.


However, the pomegranate crop did not recover well this year. Because some kind of disease had spread due to environmental change, many farmers suffered losses. That's why my brother was a little angry. Right now, he has focused on the sugarcane crop. And the crop is also good. Right now, there are four months to harvest the sugarcane crop and eight months to harvest the second sugarcane crop.


Friends, sugarcane factory workers come to our place to harvest sugarcane; only we have to register in the factory. We just have to go there and check the weighing scale to see how many tons it is. Friends, this reminded me of my childhood days; at that time, we did not give sugarcane in the sugarcane factory. The factory was also very far away. That's why there was a small factory on our farm itself. I remember that we used to go to school and used to stay near that factory on holidays because it was fun to see all that. Jaggery was made there. And many food items were made there, like puffed rice laddus, horn chikkis, etc. There was no shortage of food there. We loved seeing how the most interesting jaggery is made.


At that time, the sugarcane crop was two hectares. At that time, sugar vapor was used very little in our place. The method for making jaggery was very good. There was a big, eight-foot-diameter stove in the field itself. To extract sugarcane juice, there was a spinning wheel fitted with a big engine. The juice was extracted from it and poured into a big pan kept on the stove.


And that juice was heated by lighting a fire from below the stove. It was heated until it was cold. When it was like jaggery, it was poured into a large square made on the ground. And it was allowed to cool. After it cooled down a bit, it was taken out of a safe and placed in different safe vessels. And was sent to the market. Friends, many people used to work in this process. Nowadays, sugarcane is loaded in trucks and goes to the factory, and sugar is made from it. I just have to go to get money. Friends, I really like those days. Today's situation is such that we have to buy jaggery. Friends, modernity gives us something and also takes away something. I always remember those days. Thank you very much for reading.


Photos captured bymulik369
LocationSaskal Tal. Phaltan Dist. Satara
Camera DeviceVivo Y20G
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