Health before wealth a mindset of an agriculturist.

Hello everyone, good day to you all, trust your day is going well. A quick reminder about our body and health, my grandpa love saying "health before wealth" but some other people are of the opinion that wealth before health and that is why they over worked themselves without paying attention to their health even when symptoms of illness displayed over their faces and whole body not until they break down or collapsed only to wake up on hospital bed then the village people will be blamed and flying witch in some places, I did not mention any place , smiles.


I don't know if you believe that all work without play makes Jack a dull boy but most people understood it from a different perspective that when Jack plays, he is a lazy boy and unserious boy. Life should not be taking a life battle in the war zone but a paradise. Do not overwork yourself because anything should happen to you now, the work and everything in this world will still be operating in your absence as it is supposed to be operated.


Today, after waking up from my siesta, you are surprised that I do take that, I did for the sake of my health especially when I'm at home. I glanced from my window and I saw this demuring banana from the next compound just close to the gate, and immediately the benefit of it started flashing into my big head while I salivated and wanted to have some of it.
Banana is one of the fruits that is globally eaten across the world, the versatility and taste of the fruit is not just yummy but nutritional to our body with a lot of benefits and advantages. Agriculture is really appreciated when it comes to healthcare, banana is known for its excellent potassium which is essentially needed for the maintenance of our body especially in the area of blood pressure, fiber which greatly helps in digestion. The medical personnel will agree with me that banana has what can be seen as antioxidants which we know help greatly when it comes to heart and chronic illness. And above it contains some juicy classics of nutrients needed by our body's health to secure our wealth such as vitamin B6' C, minerals in the area copper and manganese.

I wonder why the owner of the land has not build yet on the he has cultivated a lot stand of banana and plantain in the empty lands and that has help the soil stands against erosions especially during this rainy days, the banana has also provided shade if a person chooses to take it as shade if there is a sun shine.
Do have a blissful day ahead and remember health first before wealth in anything that we do.

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