Pink Work Blue Work - What Does It Matter?

I time to time get a chuckle about the whole gender norms living on a homestead.

The idea of certain sexes being delegated to certain roles living this kind of lifestyle doesn't inherently exist in my current household - or too many households that I know of really that do the same thing I do.

Generally when we think of the pink work blue work divide we think women doing the cooking and cleaning, men doing the farming & hunting.

This generally exists because men and women are biologically different and men are generally (not always, lets not blanket statement these concepts... It's just a generalization of they typical so chill) stronger naturally leaving women to assume roles like cleaning up the animal, sewing clothes, etc.

And I mean, yes. This is generally typical to some degree. But same time those women better be able to throw straw and run a drill and those men better be able to make a soup and do the dishes.

Just like the pioneers that came across seas and didn't quite have a whole community of family farms right from the start to help, men and women worked together where they could to get the job done.

At least this is in my case also-ish anyway.

Since my husband is often off working a job, I'm generally at home taking care of the small things.

For example, the cover of my chicken coop cover fell off.


Source: Mine

Took my handy dandy drill (that my husband bought from me from an old school mate) and fixed that door right up.

Done and done.

Slowly I'm starting to learn things like machinery as well. I've done things like put a motor back together in high school and built sets in university doing drama. While I don't really care for doing these kinds of things in -40 (that's what husbands are for isn't it? 😄) at the least I'll be able to do most things minus using sheer muscle to get something done.

Plus its always a nice break from constantly slaving away at the stove and sweeping day in and day out.

Husband tends to enjoy the shake up here or there too. Especially in the cold yucky weather when he can just stay inside and keep the toes warm.

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