After Failing to grow Bell Peppers, I Decided To Try It Another Time

Hello everyone in the wonderful homesteading community. I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the weather wherever you are. Welcome to my blog.

It is the harmattan period over here. I just did my research and I found out the harmattan season happens only in west Africa. This is the period when the weather is dusty, dry and windy. And this is the period when rain stops. Every homesteader enjoys rainfall and the benefits. Rainy season is considered the best by many homesteaders, because this is the period when the crops bloom and grow well.

Humans have no power over nature, and that is why we have to live by whatever nature brings us. It’s the Harmattan period, the best we could do is to protect ourselves of course, our plants. This is the period where lips get cracked (i so much hate this), and the only way to prevent this is to keep our lips moist.

One thing about me is that giving up is not an option. I’m sure a lot of Hivers that are close to me know how consistent and determined I am. Consistency, hard work, and determination are important keys to a successful life. Not only on the blockchain, you also need these tools in the outside world.

Image designed by me using Canva

A few months ago, when I joined the homesteading community, I wrote and posted an article about how I loved and wanted to grow bell peppers: it is quite surprising that as a homesteader, I have never grown bell peppers myself. Although my mom and siblings are good at it.

I was determined to plant and grow bell peppers at that time. I read about them and also asked for help from a few hivians. @momogrow was also there to give me tips, thanks to her. I took the bold step and planted the seeds I got. I was so happy when they sprouted and started growing. I can remember taking pictures of them. But after a few days, they stopped. I actually cannot explain what really happened. They just magically disappeared. The tiny strands that were growing disappeared all of a sudden.

I was really sad about it. I mean, I had my hopes high and I thought things would go my way. Well, that’s something about life, you don’t always get what you want. I promised to grow bell peppers again someday, but after I resumed school (the university), I didn’t get many chances to do that. And it got to a point when I totally forgot about it.

A few days ago, I remembered about my plan to grow bell peppers. I was free that day, and it took that opportunity to do it.

Image is mine

I got a bell pepper, took out the seeds and dried them. After a while, I got sand and planted the bell peppers. This time, I’d make sure I watch them closely. I wouldn’t want what happened the last time to repeat itself again.

Thanks for reading.

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