More Big Garden Work – August 19, 2022 @goldenoakfarm

Big garden - pea row finished1 crop August 2022.jpg

On Friday morning when my backup helper arrived we went out and got the 14 bales of mulch hay we just put in the barn on Monday. I worked on finishing this pea row. We had that spread by 10:30 and I was really done in by the heat.

Artichoke row and mulch crop August 2022.jpg

My helper had worked on putting down loose hay around plants, like the celery and hollyhocks and artichokes. At 10:30 I decided to bring up 10 more bales and call it a day. I’d have plenty of mulch to do this onion row once I’d cleaned it up over the weekend.

Chopping Wallas for freezer crop August 2022.jpg

I’d figured I wouldn’t make it past 10:30 and planned to chop onions for the freezer. My helper had said that onions didn’t bother her. Well, she found out different, so I ended up chopping the 21 packages of ½ cup for the freezer. She ran the vacuum around instead.

Grating zucchini for bread crop August 2022.jpg

My helper friend had been here also and got the foliars done. He’d picked a lot more cukes and 3 good sized zucchini. So I decided I’d make zucchini bread and asked my son to grate 4½ cups for 3 loaves for the freezer. By the time he got around to it, I was too tired to stand to make it.

On Thursday my hay guy came out to check the fields. Turns out he’s desperate for hay and will cut the pastures for third cutting, but not until well into September. That’s fine, as long as they get cut.

On Saturday there’s a tag sale a couple streets over I hope to get to. Then I hope to make the zucchini bread. It’s to be another very hot day so that will be about all I’ll get done. The heat wave runs through Sunday night and then it cools down with rain on Monday. I hope we get rain.

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