The Flicker Haven Farm Files-A Frost Is Upon Us!


Guess who is going to spend the afternoon drying garlic scapes? That's right, this Kat!

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One thing can be noted about North Idaho, it is a land of weather extremes. We can go from below freezing to triple digits in a few hours time. I've spent the past two decades homesteading in its fickle climate, so I expect some climatological shenanigans most of the time.

What I don't like though is FROSTS IN JUNE!


Our last frost date around here is usually around the middle to end of May. However, I don't get fooled by that, as a Memorial Day weekend frost can occur (and did happen this year).

But a mid-June frost like we are forecasted for tonight? That's a rarity and more than a little annoying.

Why, might you be wondering?

Well, because I have several hundred row feet of tender little corn, bean, and squash seedlings that will go permanent night night if Jack Frost's caressing fingers of death touch them.

So, this of course means I will be getting out yards upon yards of greenhouse film to cover all those tender little friends with. Oh yes, and there's also wind and thunderstorms forecast for this evening too, you know, while I need to be laying the plastic.

Plus, my whole family is gone this weekend, so it falls on me alone to get er' all done.


got er done

Also, I baked at the theme park for eleven hours yesterday, so I am a touch worn out and sore, and tomorrow I have to go in at 5AM to bake a bunch more.

Boy when it rains it pours doesn't it?


But you know what, that's farming for ya, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Yesterday, my co-worker and I were talking about how we thrive and do our best work in chaos and pressure, and she was right on the mark with that one. I perform my best when there is a challenge.

And it's not like I haven't ever dealt with fun homesteading ones before. One year our growing season was 62 days between frosts, and I can distinctly remember eating my lunch in the little park next to my friend's feed store on June 10th, 2008 because it was SNOWING on me.

So, if today is giving you frost warnings, be sure to whistle a happy tune when you get out your frost barrier and lean into the challenge, because way up here in North Idaho this Kat will also be doing so in solidarity with you.

I might also be in need of a restorative hug, but you didn't hear me say that.


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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's most probably can't be maimed or killed by frost iPhone. The text divider image was made in Canva.

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