Thoughts on Getting Offgrid

After watching fellow Wizard @cahlen last video,
I'd like to share some feedback, so here they are :

The homesteading approach : (the way I choose)



  • You can develop a social network with neighbors and such, so potential workforce to help you when needed.
  • You learn with years how to grow food on your specific land.
  • You can farm bigger surface, and do some livestock.
  • You learn with time many crafts.
  • You can make defensible food stock.


  • It could depend of the country you live in, but there are taxes on property. (And your not the one defining them…)
  • For building maintenance, you need a lot of materials you can't produce, so you'll have to pay, trade for them.
  • You'll need to pay or trade for a lot of tools (that will make you more autonomous with time, but with big initial cost)
  • This way of life needs lot's of workforce (or lot's of money) to be viable. (for only 2 pair of arms I guaranty you it's tough)
  • It is difficult to find people without communist, state worshiping, or new-age mindset. (It may vary on where you live)
  • Ownership is a mirage. If the state decide for a reason or another that you've been a bad citizen (like not paying land ownership tax, or no going for the mass depopulation agenda) it can take your property by force.
  • Depending of the country your in, you are not free to do whatever you want in your land. (because of some stupid laws)

The car/van approach :


Here I'll just develop the con's (I'm sure there is plenty of pro's),

  • Affordable gas may not be eternal, so bye-bye freedom of movement.
  • You need licences, so state still own you.
  • In some country there are mandatory insurances. (or mandatory hidden tax or stuff)
  • You are really dependent on spare pieces / technology you can't produce.

The wandering hermit approach:


All things considered, I think it is the best way because:

  • You have very low linkages with state.
  • You have nomadic lifestyle hence you are adaptive.
  • You have low needs.
  • You have more freedom.
  • You are more linked with nature (for good and bad however)

The only downside for me is being alone. Not that I care about loneliness, but because in history of men, the individual always looses against a group.
The compromise would be free association of a handful of human, building some kind of small nomadic tribe / clan.

Ways of shifting from serf to Free man:

I think it depends a lot of each one mindset and situations.
But as @cahlen said, clock is ticking, so whatever you choose, choose fast.


Going step by step is I think tho way with the lower chance of failure, but it will take time.
It's also easier, if you not alone in this trip, to convince the others (wife, kids etc…)


It is the more dangerous path, but given the circumstances if you are really aware on the global situation,
this would be my recommendation.

Wishing you all the best,

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