today's routine || repairing the roof of the goat pen

Hi everyone,, Today I have a busy routine, yeah it's a bit tiring actually, but I still have to do and complete this work even though I feel tired coming over me, we do this work in the hot sun, and this is our family's goat pen However, there are several parts that need to be repaired due to the influence of time, some parts have been damaged, and that's normal I think, every building definitely needs renovation, and our cages are no different.

in our city, to make cages we prefer to do it the traditional way, meaning that the materials we use all come from craftsmen in our city, we do this because with the traditional method the goats we cultivate do not feel excessive heat, the roof is We use it for the cage, which is processed from palm grass leaves (a plant that produces sago), the palm grass leaves were collected by craftsmen and after going through the process for some time, they finally became the material for repairing our roof today.

To repair the cage today we started from morning until evening, because apart from repairing the roof we also needed to repair several parts of the side of the cage so that our goats were safe from wild animals at night, such as wild dogs, tigers and so on, so by repairing several parts next to the cage I can sleep soundly because I don't have to worry about the goats I keep.

So around 09.00 Indonesian time we went to a traditional roofing craftsman to buy some roofing sheets, and we chose 09.00 so that the atmosphere would no longer be cool and our work would run smoothly, and honestly I couldn't stand the cold, so when the sun warmed my body We are very good, and of course our work went as expected. When we arrived at the traditional roofing craftsman's place, we were lucky because traditional roofing stock was available in large quantities, and we only took a few pieces of roofing according to our needs.

now let's go see the steps we took to repair the goat pen today ;

We chose to use a rickshaw to transport traditional roofs from the craftsman's place, and when we were at the traditional roof craftsman's place, we started loading the roofs into the rickshaw to be transported to the cage to be repaired.

when we arrived at the cage we started repairs, and we did it together so that the work went smoothly.

If you look at our goat pen from a distance, the air under the pen has cool air and that is a good condition for goat growth and of course not dehydration.

one of the sides of the cage has been replaced with new bamboo, we made this cage 💯 traditional as seen in the picture.

We make animal feed containers on the outside of the cage, so the goats will never be able to damage the feed by stepping on it, so the feed we provide is more durable and long-lasting because it is not easily damaged.

*Our goats look very happy and relaxed enjoying the fresh grass feed that we have provided, we have nine goats that we breed in the pen.

previously here we had worked with several other types of livestock, namely cattle, sheep and broiler chickens, but in recent years the demand for fresh goat meat (natural feed) has increased greatly, so this is a good opportunity for our work, besides earning income from selling meat, we also use goat dung for fertilization, so our work in raising goats provides many economic opportunities.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog, those are some photos of our routine today in repairing goat pens, see you in the next post 🥰

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