The latest cashing machine in agriculture


Cassava is one of the most widely cultivated crops in Nigeria, the possibility of this crop to be made into many distinct products is the main reason why it is very popular around my place, by-products like g, cassava flour and garri which many formally regarded as quick food since it does not require making any long arrangements before having it.


The wide spread use of this cassava commercially is another reason why it keeps on becoming very important crop and many agricultural based


(2)researchers are looking for ways to improve this plant variety one of which has to do with reducing its lifespan.


Cultivating cassava using the former variety makes the crop spend more than a year before it is ready but after many search for other short span variety there are growing improvement in cultivating it.



Cassava is now an in demand crop right now that even a piece of land is fetching farmers a massive amounts of money young and prospective farmers are exploring this part of agriculture.

Recently the first cassava based sorbitol factory was inaugurated on Ado-Awaye in Oyo state a neighboring states to the state I live. Sorbitol is commonly manufactured from corn but the syrup can also be manufactured from is a syrup uses in beverages, sweetened, medications, packaged food and provide texture to product.


Compared to many other crops cultivating cassava is slightly more easier and it is in high demand cause of it scarcity this days due to the establishment of the cassava based sorbitol factory in the neighboring state and that is why I ventured into this even though it is a small piece of land.

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