Rice cultivation: post-emergence weed control strategies


There is no farming without weeds no matter how hard we try as farmers the weeds won't disappear weeds grow easier and faster than what we plant and if we do not put in our best efforts to take care of the weeds then we will be left with nothing to harvest from our farms at the end of the day.





There are so many weed control methods that farmers use to control the impacts of weeds before or after these weeds emerge and each method works for some crops and they don't for others.

Rice cultivation requires farmers to handle some very stubborn kinds of weeds and things get even worse when the farm doesn't have water for instance in swampy rice farmlands certain kinds of weeds find it difficult to thrive while other weeds thrive now, these weeds that thrive are mostly weak weeds that we most times see floating on the water we can easily take these weeds out using the manual method where we can make use of our hands to uproot these weeds or make use of any other available tools that fit the job, also we can make use of selective herbicide without fear now if we make use of herbicide on rice when there is no rainfall or steady water source then we are putting the rice plant at risk, the fact that it is selective to rice does not mean that it won't hurt the rice plant ☘️ but what it does is that it reduces the impact of the herbicide on the rice although the rice turns yellow at first it will eventually turn green its original self.

But what we have when there is a dry spell of rainfall is a different scenario, we can't make use of herbicide because of the above reason and the weeds growing up are normally stubborn weeds that are more harmful to the plants, these weeds grow fast and could overpower the weed within a short period what we can do here is to pick up our hoes and start weeding.

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