Peanut Ways of Surviving, Best Way To Eat

Peanut is for daily consumption in Nigeria. The eating of peanut has come to stay because since I was a child to now the consumption of peanuts has not changed. Peanut is a very reach crop that has oil and many other classes of food which is why we have long ago continued to consume peanut for drinking of Garry, eating it raw, boiled or fried. Peanut is very reach in it's oil that's also what make the crop more stay to our existence.

To plant peanuts, it must remain raw in its shell and not to be boiled or fried. If a peanut/groundnut is boiled or fried, it'll never germinate again but to decay inside the soil. A boiled or fried peanut that's put inside the soil will never germinate but only decay and turn to a manure.

To plant peanuts there's a season good for it which also deserves good environment. Peanut is best to be planted between the starting of raining season which means that peanut need water to germinate and survive. Peanut will do very nice if it's planted in near flowing river or swampy area so that the soil will always be supportive to the roots which produces the nuts.

Peanut is planted using the seeds which will be removed from the shell. Peanut could be classified as a legumes which uses it roots to produce the peanuts seed which will be harvested whenever it's mature.

If after Four months peanut is planted, the leaves will start to change which is a sign that the peanut is mature for harvesting. By the time it's harvested, before it could be eating, it's good for it to be properly dry under the sun to make it more nice when eating.

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