Harvesting Of Banana And Expecting Another One Soon

It's a great day and a thing of joy to have harvested a banana from the farm and at the same expecting another one soon. As the Sunday was going smoothly, we were all sitted in the house with my children when a family friend came looking for me. She told me that she saw a man who wanted to harvest my banana from my farm, but she prevented the man from doing that.

As I heard from the family friend that someone nearly harvested my banana 🍌, I immediately told my second daughter who was in the house 🏠 with me to take a cutlass to visit the farm with me before another person will still the banana from our farm.

My daughter and I in our banana farm, we saw it clearly that someone tampered with the banana. Right there in the farm, my daughter told me that we were lucky that our family friend saved us from being robbed of our banana.

How did we harvest the banana

For us to harvest the banana 🍌 from criminals, my daughter told me that she'll like to practice how to cut a banana. I was very happy 😁 to hear such a brave statement from my daughter because she have not even hold a knife to cut such a thing before.

What I did for my daughter to cut the banana carefully was to instruct and direct her on how to cut the banana 🍌 without much stress. My daughter took the cutlass, clear some nearby weeds that may block her way from the banana tree.

My daughter then raise her hand with the cutlass above her head and the cut down the banana from its tree. My daughter used the cutlass to remove the banana 🍌 flowering from the main banana fruit line.

As my daughter brought out the banana closer to me, I saw that she didn't cut the banana tree down well we're it'll give a space for a new banana tree to be produced. I took the cutlass from her and cut down the banana tree well.

What happened after we cut the banana from the farm

We were all done harvesting the banana 🍌 with my children. We were returning to the house 🏠 when a car driving down the road saw us carrying the banana. The car stopped and called us. We went closer to the car. The owner of the car priced the banana from us. But I didn't want to sale it rather than to eat in with my children. But my daughter told me that it'll be good 👍 if we sale and buy Sunday food to eat. I listened to m to daughter and sold the banana to the owner of the car.

When I said in my previous post that banana is a very profitable business, some people seem to keep arguing with me. Did you see how I and my family made some money 💰 this Sunday. If I may tell you, we didn't even spend the whole money today as I left some to be added to my daughter's school fee.

Maybe before the end of this month, we'll harvest another banana from our farm.

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