One step after the other; DrEEms come TRUE.

As young children, we all have a lot of dreams and imaginations. We knew less about what the true world was all about. All we could think of was for our parents to provide for us, cater to our needs, pay our bills, and nurture us. We left all of the responsibilities to them without knowing they were once like us too. But TIME changed them and made them become what they are. That same TIME would one time change us too. Only if we had known back then.


I remember when I was younger, our teachers would ask us about what we wanted to become soon. Many of us had big dreams, hopes, and aspirations. Many would say it with pride, I want to become a Medical Doctor, I want to become Nurse, Engineer, and many other nice professions too. Just a few among us wanted to become teachers. We forgot teachers were the backbone of our success.


I also had my dreams and my mindset too. I had my aspirations too. I thought of becoming a Test Pilot when my elder brother wanted to become an Aeronautical Engineer. Yeah, we are going to work hands in hands. Every night when we are late outside we take a glance at the stars far above, the jets, airplanes, and helicopters below the clouds. Our drEAms became stronger.


With time, everything began to change. There was a time when I drew my DrEEm house. I drew an apartment, a very small apartment on a huge piece of land. Then afterward, drew a part separated for the rearing of livestock, and the other part for the planting of trees and cash crops.

One day my brother asked me about how we wanted our house to be in the future. I told him I would like to have a small apartment on a huge piece of land and be in control of a farm where I could take a glance at nature and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Also on some other parts of the farm, I will have livestock and some fishes in big ponds where I would also take a view of aquatics and terrestrial habitats.


When I grew older I realized even getting a plot of land wasn’t something easy to accomplish, not to talk about having a livestock farm. At some point, life became even tougher for us to live that life we dreamed of, my ambition, my career, everything began to wash away right before my eyes. I never even got to touch a plane not to talk of becoming a pilot. But fate has its way of doing things. An aspiring pilot became a practicing Agriculturist.


After six years of studies at the university, I became a proud Bachelor holder of Agriculture. Then after service to the nation, I became a wanderer who might have lost his way. But God has his plans for me. Few months after I started to pursue my drEEm. I knew capital was the first battle I needed to fight off. I should do well to accumulate more of it. Though the pressure was much and it wasn't easy getting, I planned to start small and take it one step AFTER THE OTHER.


I started by seeking employment from various farms but got turned down and some rejected me because I lacked experience. So I got a new beginning as a free-time worker and trainee with NO pay at a small farm where I learned the basics of livestock production. My interest was more in aquaculture. But along the line, I grabbed some knowledge about poultry production too. I learned some basics about marketing.

From there I thought of advancing and not remaining stagnant. Like the flowing river, I got enrolled in a hatchery farm where I furthered my training, it was a rigorous exercise all through but my passion for aquaculture kept me strong.

Days passed by, and months also passed by, I got some knowledge that would require me to start up. And at that point, my savings was also a little okay to start up something small. Then I went for it.


Venturing into agriculture and aquaculture brought back my drEAms of owning a small apartment with a lot of land for agriculture. And there I go making those drEAms become a drEEm.

All images are from my device camera

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