OLD BARN № 080

I think of this as the "Coca Cola Barn" since the sign is featured so prominently on the front. I like the red-and-green theme of this little structure, too!

Because there are so many trees on the property, I drove past this barn a couple of times without even seeing it! One would think its colorful facade would have made it easier to spot, but it did not. There is only one rather small opening in the trees bordering the property that allows a good view of this little structure.

The property is definitely a non-farm layout, so I am sure this little barn is only used as a storage shed for equipment. In fact, the style of the trailer parked beside the building makes me think the owner runs his own landscaping or lawn-care business, and he most likely stores the tools of his trade inside. As can be seen from the following aerial view, this property borders that where OLD BARN № 075 is located.

And again, for those who enjoy seeing the original shots, here is the one of this place. Oddly, very little changed in the processing, although I did enhance the blurry Coca-Cola sign a bit.


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