I Got Up, Sat Down, and Wrote You This Poem, Poetry, Digital Art and Nature Photography

I Got Up, Sat Down, and Wrote You This Poem

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be it an ode, limerick, or elegy
a sonnet, dactyl, or allegory
we, poets, are adept and bereft
quite fond indeed
when writing of the verse
at immortalizing the very worse

things overall are fine or rather grand
an off day, blasé, a little bland
but we pick up a pen, suddenly …
here strums the blues
a sunny romantic epic goes wrong
life becomes a country & western song

so I would like to take just this one day
to clear the air, if you’ll allow and I may

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a desire to make a write meaningful
and pack a punch
will transform an anti-climatic split
into a gambit of Russian Roulette

I know …

some of my poetry is bleak and stark
just me laughing last
flirting with the dark
no te preocupe
I’m doing fine


I got up, sat down, and wrote you this poem
and made it rhyme
proof and exhibit one …
I’m having a good time

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Words and Images are my own. I Got Up, Sat Down, and Wrote You This Poem was first conceived during the 100 Days of Poetry on the Steem Blockchain and is published in Strays. Click on any title below for more information or to further explore and support my writing.







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