"Liceista 2"

Liceista 2

Here it is my second original character from the venezuelan high school concept! I will be just 3 since I wanted to practice more the workflow than the character design to be honest, hahaha. I won't say too much since I explained a lot of things in the previous post, you can read it here, you may even find some useful advices on digital art.


It was kind of difficult to find some references on the volleyball oficial uniform of venezuela, I really dunno why, so this one my not be the correct one. I remember volleyball being a very commont sport back when I was in highschool, especially for the girls and there were even some really good teams going to states championships; How bad that I was very bad at that sport since I used to have a lot of fun playing it.

Tools and Process



Following what I said in my last post of this serie (click HERE if u want to sneak a pick) Once I've finifhed the grayscale, I mean the forms, cast shadows, form shadows, everything in its place and well rendered; we proceed to color it.

In another layer on color mode on top (remainder that I am using photoshop cs6) we start choosing the base colors; use one layer for each color since it will be more easier to modify the hue and saturation of each one so to get the right color.

Once you are done with that, you will notice how dull and boring the colors looks, but don't worry, we will fix that using the gradient map, this will help us to manege the color range of our drawing so that way we can make it looks more interesting, be sure to choose right colors but also interesting ones. You can also play a bit with the Levels and curves tools to manege the contrast and lighting.

Those tools are quite good and can deliver incredible results however they only can do as much as they can, they won't make your piece amazing if you have not idea on what you are doing so, you first need to have knowlege on how lights and colors works; otherwise you will not be able to take full advantage of these photoshop tools.

Well this was all for today! if you want to see more of my work you can follow me on Twitter (I just started to post my stuff there so it's still a bit empty) I wish you a good day/night and see you in a next post!


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Liceista 2

This is a cross post of @pravusdie/liceista-2 by @pravusdie.

Liceista 2

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