Amaryllis, or How To Beat the Blustery Blues

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Had I known I was going to be bitten by The Lifestyle Lounge bug, I'd have many more pictures than these for you. Hopefully, you'll get the idea of just how effective a treatment this plant is for the winter doldrums, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), the down-in-the-dumps moments that come upon nearly all of us every winter.

Amaryllis bulbs are easily available anywhere you buy gardening supplies starting in early October and until well after Christmas. The best ones sell out early though!!! They make great inexpensive gifts.


One bulb sends up a two foot stalk of four spectacular trumpets, each trumpet a full six inches across. Just when that stalk begins to wither, there is a second stalk ready to burst into glory and lift your spirits for another two weeks.


I splurged and bought a set of three top quality bulbs this year. They are in three different rooms, and every time I enter any of those rooms, I spy one of these babies, and I smile. Smiling Matters!

Amaryllis bulbs can easily be stored and brought to life year after year. Here's a nifty guide with everything you need to know.

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images are mine

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