Choice: Career or Life Status

Alot of us have something we want to become or even achieve our goals when it comes to our career. Before we go deep into today's topic, i will like to say that my write up today is not encouraging someone give up on their career nor am i saying anyone to put their career ahead of their family or personal life status.
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For me as a person I'll say that what's most important in life is to live a life with those you want and not allow anyone or career to jeopardize that goal, because sometimes career can destroy relationship you have with those you love, or it can make you not even make a life for yourself.

In my own point of view having a career is a good thing, because it shows that you have ambition and want to make an impact to the society either directly or indirectly. But when this things you call career start interfering with your marital relationship or your relationship with the rest of your family, for me i don't think it worth it because when there will be no career it is your family and loved ones that will be there for. So why should you sacrifice that for some or couple of decades or even less of years, you can have a career either you are a man or woman, you are free to be whatever you want to be, but let us also keep it in the back of our mind that in life we don't always get what we wish for, so instead of focusing on what might never be and lose sight of the precious things in front of us, let us cherish what we have and make sure we don't lose it, life is too short to be wasting on something that is not within your power.

These are my thoughts base on my perspective of the life, am not forcing my view on anyone, everyone has freedom of choice, but I'll be happy if we could make the right choice and not the choice we will later regret in later days in life. Feel free to tell me your opinions in the comment section below.

My name is Megatey. I blog on philosophy and life issues. For more of this article, you can visit my blog. If you enjoy this article, feel free to Upvote, Reblog and Comment. Thank You

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