The Great Coffee Break Day Seven - Not One Of Mine


Is littering a national sport where you live? It is here. The more beautiful a location is naturally, the more points you score for leaving your trash behind.

Also, greetings :)

You might have seen my series of posts where I show you how paper coffee cups feel when they join me on my vacation after I liberate them from random vending machines across the resort village of Sinemorets.

Yup, as I wrote, this one above is not mine. I would place a cup on the ground to take a picture but I wouldn't leave it there. But we have enough littering enthusiasts who would do much more than that. Or less. It doesn't matter, it's done on every scale...


Right at the edge above the sea. Lots of points for location even though it was a small empty cigarettes pack.



Here we have both good volume, and enough points for location again. Although, if you leave it on the beach, you risk somebody eventually picking it up. Unless the sea waves claim it first. In which case, your score is kept in the Permanent Ocean Hall Of Fame.


A plastic canister with an interesting hole in it. Might have been retrofitted or it might be something boatsmen and fishermen would easily recognize but I am a noob here.

Volume and solidity bring you good points. The location is fine, although this time it counts for much less since it's where the above-mentioned local fishermen leave so much stuff on the beach that this one is not easily distinguished.

Was it relatively clean or was I too lazy to take more of that beauty to your attention? Perhaps the latter.



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