My First Tokenized GIF on NFTshowroom

Greetings, friends!

Third time altogether if we count other visual art, first time that I tokenize anything as a gif. You might have seen the pure photographic version of it some time ago...some...Halloween time ago. This one is further digitally edited.

And there's one more thing that I did for the first time in this case. I issued only one token. No more of this work shall be issued.

It is single!

It is unique!

It is smiling...even...grinning at you!

It glows in the dark.

It is The Dark.

It is a cheery Jack-o'-lantern.


But it's also animated ;)

Are you?

Here's the link to...

The Gallery With All My Tokenized Artworks

Because of this environment, the Hive blockchain and all that's build around it, the people who build it, the people who recognize it, the discourse about freedom and creativity...All that feeds my own need to try, improvise, create, throw away my stuff or accept it.

I wouldn't have made this pumpkin mess without you, so thank you. For I am happy with it. I like watching it and thinking...

Today a pumpkin...

Tomorrow the world.

...Will be my oyster. Not that my pumpkin is my oyster. But it's still my ongoing experiment. I had no idea it would live for so long. And that is something.

Imagine that alien spaceship which comes, millions of years from now, to visit the cradle of Humanity. Some of the crew get down on their long-deserved leave. They order a drink or two, they talk to a guy with moustaches and sunglasses, they ride on camels around the usual sites of interest. And there, in the sand, some random dude off his, her, or its camel for a pee, kicks with his, her, or its shoe that half-buried NFT, one edge sticking out and into eternity.

Did you imagine it?


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