
So I tried out the 5 minutes Freewrite thing for the first time and it was fun pushing myself to get creative and write something apart from Cryptocurrency related topics. It is kinda short but I sure hope to develop on this start. So without much ado, here goes.

It all started in a day. A day when we called the media a hoax. A day when we called the authorities liars. A day when we called it all a new Government control tool. Little did we know it was the start of ten years, ten years the likes of which the world had never seen. TEN YEARS OF DARKNESS.

Ten years when fathers died and sons couldn't salute their mentors. Ten years when mothers died and daughters stifled their tears. Ten years when sons died and father's couldn't grieve their departed beloved. Ten years when daughters died and mothers couldn't sing them their favourite lullabies to accompany them home.

It was ten years like no one could have predicted, ten years like no one could have expected. Ten years when the order of the world was disrupted, and the Earth fell out of balance. Animals roamed the streets and men stayed in cages. Animals frolicked round the cities and men cowered indoors.

It was ten years of darkness, the likes of which no man living had ever witnessed. And it all began in that cursed year, the year that began the decade, the year 2020.

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