Locked down again, moved to Tier 4. Here we go again...

Here we go again, from midnight tonight the North East goes back in to tier 4 due numbers rising with the new variant of the virus, Tier 4 is the critical tier where we all have to stay home with all non essential businesses having to close again. This new variant is easier to catch so we all have to stay home until the vaccines have been given out. This is going to take a while.

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I am not sure this is going to work as with it being New Years Eve tomorrow people are planning parties to see 2020 in. A lot of people refuse to believe or think they can catch it, I am scared of the virus, I am scared in what it can do to my family and the loneliness it can bring whilst on Hospital, I daren't think about the Virus killing us as I wouldn't be able to cope losing any of my family *so for that along I am doing what I am told, shutting my door and not leaving my house until we get the all clear.

We have all spent a year fighting this Virus and its still winning, it's still taking so many souls, I hope these Vaccines do work and don't cause anything else as they don't know what it can do over time.


I went to bed around 9pm last night, I was shattered after staying awake all day. I turned my bedside lamp off at 10.30 as couldn't keep my eyes open, hubby came to bed at 12 midnight to find me sleeping. I woke up a few times through the night possibly due to my pain. I got up out of bed at 11am and again haven't had a nap I did take my medication a little later than usual so my sleepy head will probably start to fail around midnight.

I am concerned about tomorrow night as I have always seen the New Year In with a little drink but will I be able to stay up until then I doubt it very much. After seeing 56 years in don't think there is anything to miss. Every New Year is the same, have a drink, watch the countdown on TV, go watch the fireworks over the river. This year there will be no parties or should say shouldn't be but think a few families will think there not included in the rules. We have a family on our road that ignores all the rules.

I will be doing what I usually do stay home, gardening when the weather is OK, play with my pups, blogging and more blogging. I am concerned about one of my pups Geordie, he has just gone 13 and acting a little strange, I don't know if dogs can get Dementia. He forgets what he is doing, he went to is water bowl 3 times doing the same thing then got into bed laying right close to me on my left side, He has never done that. When we pick him up he yelps a little and needs to be carried up and down the stairs. I am worried.

This doesn't happen very often either, all 3 dog lying next to each other and under the same blanket. They look so cute.

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Yay its bedtime again, I am starting to wish my day away as feel so tired. I do prefer to be a sleep WHY because I am not disabled or in pain in my dreams, I can do anything whilst dreaming. Bedtime.. Night night 💘

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