Two product reviews in one post, a Fire HD 10 Tablet, and an YITAOERA Tablet

Amazon is striking out right and left.
Last Friday I ordered a tablet, I thought it was an amazon device, but what showed up was a YITAOERA. The specs were all very impressive.
The damned thing crashed twice while I was trying to get it to set up.
It crashed while I was on the phone with Amazon support, so they were going to send me a replacement, another YITAOERA.
I said NO THANKS, I've wasted enough of my life chasing this one around, and now I can't even get it to boot.
she said "in that case, no need to return it and we'll refund your purchase amount." Now I have an almost non-working tablet.
So then I went back to Amazon and this time I bought a Fire HD 10 Tablet.
Again very snazzy looking, it came today, and it was SO intrusive, making me watch videos and flip through Good reads app etc... before I COULD EVER GET to the home screen.(I called their support for help with this, but figured it out by the time they showed up.)
So, about an hour later, I'm looking at a home screen full of crap I have absolutely NO USE for, while at the same time I go to B&N and try to install the Nook Reader app, but this device will not let me, because it is not compatible.
So the WHOLE POINT was to have a tablet with cameras and internet access, primarily to use as a reader for the books I buy from B&N.
Another call to their support, but this time the stupid robot (which asked me if I was calling about my new Fire Tablet, and I said yes) connected me with someone who COULD NOT help with the tablet, saying "let me get you over to tech support"

(tick tock tick tock my life drains away)

Then when THAT person comes on the line and I once AGAIN explain my issue "oh I'm sorry, I can't help with the tablet, let me get you over to that dept"
(Tick tock tick tock.)

FORTY THREE MINUTES on that one call, and now I am returning THIS device as well. I get a full refund, and I had to explain to the nice lady that the refund MUST INCLUDE the case I bought for the Fire HD 10, because I have no USE for it now.
The case that came with the YITAOERA did not fit that device.
The case that came with the Fire tablet didn't seem like it was going to fit that tablet either, nor could I get it to slide back into the paper sleeve, so it is all in the box now, waiting on me to tape it shut, then they will send UPS to come pick it up
I just can't seem to catch a break.

Two Product reviews

Jerry E Smith
The images are screen snips from my order history

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks


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