Today's accounting

So, last week I was to begin a program with the VA. The
"Veterans Empowerment Program"
This was geared towards (mindless people) who suffer from chronic pain.
The VA doesn't want to give pain meds to people.
Last week, by Monday morning, I had 9 (NINE) emails with video connect links. (for three classes beginning at 10:30) I sat through half of the first one.
As of this morning, I had NO VIDEO CONNECT LINKS, and after I'd been on the VA website THREE times, I got the 2nd and 3d link; by that time it was too late for the first session.
I sat through those two sessions, with their mind-numbingly stupid formatting, like they were talking to third graders (with graphics that looked like they'd been CREATED by third graders)

NOT ONE item of new information did I hear, not ONE thing I didn't already know,

Mr Burholt wants us to cut up a paper into little strips with our LIFE GOALS listed and sort them according to importance.
For gods sake I'm 65!!! My "life goals" were lost in the fog of age and drug abuse a LONG time ago.
It was also suggested that we get post it notes, put them on our refrigerators with ONE OR TWO THINGS for me to do today that would move me closer to my life goals.

This whole thing is insulting to my intelligence, my life experiences and my education, and should be to anyone else who is unfortunate enough to sit through these things.
I seriously pity anyone who is in such dire straits that they would actually benefit by this mind numbing dribble.
I hope that SOMEONE, somewhere can benefit from this (to me) stupidity.

Oh! These critters(rhinoceros beetle) I photographed with my cellphone on the way into the liquor store.
Thanks Atlanta VA.

By the way, I've been meaning to point out some synchronicity.
This apartment, especially the liquor store is right across the street from where I came back in 2014 when my first set of dentures broke, then again to the same Dr's office in 2018 when I got my present set of dentures.
All that time back then, and here I am sitting right on top of the building again (the dentist ofc has moved)

"Today's Accounting"

Jerry E Smith
all images original

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks


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