A light at the end (I hope) of the tunnel.


I just got this email, from the AD at Del Mar Gardens.

Hi are you playing senior communities during Covid
If so we want you back
Gina Kristjanson
DMG 102017.jpg
I replied
I can’t tell you how ecstatic I am to get this email. I have not played ANYWHERE but my living room since like, February? 😢
I will have to wait at least until next week though,
because (I’m being honest here) I tested positive for covid first on Aug 10,
and in several subsequent retests.
Next Wed will be 14 days since the last positive result.
I have not been sick. I have no symptoms.
The VA has cleared me to go one about my business, but Emory won’t let me in to see my Ortho until I have two negative test results.
Have you had other entertainers since the lockdown?
If so how has it been handled?
I look forward to hearing from you

To which she replied:
Well please let me know when you are negative; I'm glad you are well even though you tested positive.
We have outdoor music , you would be under a awning,
most find it comfortable
We are still sheltered in place so we cant have entertainers in just yet
Just email when you are ready to come back and I’ll send available dates
Gina Kristjanson keeping my fingers crossed
Then I replied again
Outdoors is outstanding! I love it!
I would be no risk to anyone even if I were still positive,
as long as we didn’t get close.
I will most certainly keep you posted.
If you like, you could go ahead and shoot me your dates.
I’ll put them down as tentative until we agree on them.
Thanks again Ms Kristjanson. This has brightened my whole outlook and lifted my spirit immensely

So now it is a waiting game, for the powers that be to pronounce me safe to be around folks again.
The VA (bless their little pea pickin' hearts) said I was good to go
14 days after the initial test.

Hope in sight AT LAST

Jerry E Smith
All images were taken by me.

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks


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