Sublime Beautiful Sunday | I couldn't sleep so I went grocery shopping at 6.20AM

It's 5.30am and I'm wide awake when I should be sleeping or at least laze around in bed; after all it is Sunday morning. However, I couldn't go back to sleep; the sun is already up since 5am and is now shining through my window panels. I decided to jump out from bed and get some outdoor exercise since it's not that hot outside yet. After getting ready, I was out from my apartment at 6.20am.

The sun is hidden behind the clouds

I decided to walk a bit further to a local wet market which was located approximately 20 minutes away. usually, I wouldn't consider doing this as it gets really warm and sunny but since today I'm out early, I decided it's worth the walking trip. The sun rays wasn't really blaring yet which was good and the streets are just starting to build up. Guess I'm not the only ones that is up early on a Sunday morning.


This side of the pedestrian streets are much larger as compared to the ones near my apartment. I guess it's because these are restaurant shops facing the main roads and as many restaurants go in Vietnam, they always set tables and chairs outside their restaurants. Not to mention their motorbikes are parked on these walking pedestrian streets. Well.. how else would they park their motorbikes, right? Can you see the mini blue truck on the right side - it's actually powered by a motorbike.


I finally reached my destination. This is one end of the wet market and many of the sellers are already set and waiting for passerby like me to buy our daily or weekly provisions. One quick glance, things sold here are similar to the wet market near my apartment; maybe a lot more choices that's all. Many motorcyclist stop their bikes at the side of this street to make their purchase and then drive off. they don't even bother to park or are at the least concerned that they are blocking other vehicles.

It was an interesting walkabout for me and if I do come here again, it would have to be early. My entire walkabout plus grocery shopping took me almost 1.5 hours and by the time I reached home, the sun was getting really hot. I'm glad I got up early and managed to get almost 5,000 steps. 😁

It's Sunday... And it's time for another Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday. So, I'm trying something new this week. Something out of the box, something different, something wild, something odd and who knows where this Sunday will lead us.


#SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a while #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108. Both of whom share similar wonderful thoughts of how Sundays should be for all of us.

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