What Are You Fishing For?


Some fish for pleasure and others for food. Catching dinner brings a certain amount of satisfaction, I'm sure. Some catch nothing while others do quite well. But there's never been an angler who can boast a plentiful stringer every day of the week.

Why is that? Because when we fish, there's only so much within our control. We can't control the conditions nor can we force the fish to be hungry. Fish are finicky eaters and don't always want to take the offering on the end of the line.

Fishing - Too Much Symbolism To Relay


I'm not sure if there's a spiritual text in existence that doesn't mention fishing. For thousands of years, fishing has been a symbol of peace. Signs above our front doors read, "Fishermen Welcome!"

Men of the sea know well that success depends on everyone's full cooperation. It takes a team effort, often under terrible conditions, to fill up the ship's holds.

When they bring in a full haul, everyone shares in the bounty. Families are fed and the electricity stays on. If the team doesn't work together or they fail to find fish, there's no bounty to share. Sound familiar? Can you relate that to HIVE?

Why Are You Fishing?


As an angler, my ears tend to perk up when I hear others talking about fishing. I may not be the leading expert but I have done some fishing in my life. It's at least acceptable to say I know a thing or two within the field.

One thing I've heard, and will certainly continue to hear, are stories of why people don't like fishing. The main thread that binds these stories together? The newcomers didn't catch a single fish!

I can help with that. And if you read between the lines, my outlook may help with much more than catching fish.

Fishing With Intention

Before you even begin to gather your fishing gear, ask yourself this question? Do you really care about catching fish? Plenty of anglers are horrible at fishing but still enjoy doing it. Why? It gives them a day (or at least part of one) to get out into nature.

If fishing is something you decide to do for a day's activity, who cares if you catch any fish? It's nice just to get down to the waterside and get a hook wet!

If, however, fishing is something you'd like to become successful doing, it's going to take work. Fishing is something you get better at by learning, and that only comes through experience.

Yep. Sitting at home tying knots all day is good practice, but it won't tell you whether or not your line will hold up under pressure. It won't tell you what to do when a large fish starts pulling out line and won't stop!

Fish With Someone Who Will Teach You


Fishing with kids really isn't fishing at all. It's teaching flat out. There's no time to fish when you're fixing tangled line and tying on new setups. It is another good form of practice for any future fishing guides. Kids come in all ages and sizes, you see!

I learned quite a bit about fishing from a good friend who offered instruction while we were on trips together. Then there are the conversations that ensue after a trip is over.

Stupid moves never go without a badgering from a friend. I've had to lick my wounded pride at times, but they were all lessons in experience.

Start Paying Attention To Details

Like anything you take up in life, the tools of an angler are awkward at first. Line doesn't wrap correctly and flies everywhere when you try to cast. Knots break and hooks end up in your finger instead of in the mouth of a fish!


In time, these tools become extensions of your body. Your hands know the feel of rod and reel like you were born with them. Becoming accustomed to your fishing gear means it no longer takes all your attention to operate it.

This opens your vision up to other events that occur around you. With a better view of the big picture, you may notice the birds swooping in a certain area. You'll be able to tell your buddy that his line is wrapped around the top of his rod. And you'll know what to do when you feel action on your line from a fish you intend to catch!

Relate It To Any Part Of Life - It Fits

Want to have a better marriage? It takes work, time, and attention.

How about getting a professional degree? Same thing.

Do you want to advance in your career? Nothing different.

Would you like to have a large stake on HIVE? You get the idea.

Fishing, as previously mentioned, is the great life symbol. A consistent catch takes teamwork, practice, experience, attention, and dedication. Beginner's luck is a real thing, but it never offers long term success.

Thanks for reading and as always...



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