Starting In The Middle & The Call For Engagement


How in a blue moon can anyone start in the middle? Doesn't that defy the definition of starting? I suppose it does. Then again, we have enough contradictory Compound Nouns in the English Language to fry brains like eggs!

Hang-Up? How can you hang upwards? Most of us aren't astronauts.

There-With? How can I be with you if I'm over there?

No one starts in the middle. We each have our own individual launches. There have been more than a few times, however, that I entered a project after the beginning.

In fact, most of life's endeavors aren't original at all. Getting a job usually means you are hired by an established company. You have a starting date, but the company along with its employees were there before you came around.

When we learn something new, so often we begin by emulating or studying the masters in the field. We don't usually enter with the mindframe that we already know everything.

The Middle Of The Middle


If this philosophical rant isn't confusing and difficult to follow, check this out (Checkout - Another Nonsensical Word). Nothing in life is permanent. Whatever we do has a beggining, middle, and an end to it.

So it is that we can reach a personal middle of some project and also find ourselves in the middle of that project. We could leave the project a couple years later while it's still in its middle stages.

Our beginnings, middles, and ends don't match up to the efforts we undertake very much at all.

What's The Point?

There's actually two points I want to share here. One being that the middle can be a difficult place to start. The other concerns the struggles that we can encounter in our own personal middles.

Starting In The Middle


Whenever you join an ongoing effort, there's an accompanying sense of insecurity. Everyone else knows the layout except for you. It might seem like no one's willing to help and it's easy to focus on those who won't.

Beginners can often feel left out or unappreciated when they join a new team. An initiation process is important because it weeds out the people who weren't committed in the first place. It's easy for a beginner to overcompensate with the pressure of having something to prove.

A steady path takes mindfulness when starting something new. It helps to keep our bearings and allows us to put forth our best effort.

Reaching A Personal Middle

You know the 'Ohhhhhhh, man I need a break' mentality? Been there before? I have too. Something can only stay interesting for the first five thousand times you do it. After that, it becomes a bore.


Energy is pouring out of all batteries for the new and the fresh. Don't worry, they'll be beaten down by the monotony of endless repetition just like the rest of us.

That's definitely the deranged perspective of the bitter middleman. His circuits need changing and his fuses are probably burned out as well. If they worked at all, some of that fresh new energy would come flowing his way.

How do you beat the drag of plowing through your middle grounds?

Here Is The Bell, Will You Answer The Call?

The bell has been rung by community leaders on all far ends of HIVE. Why are we not engaging? Is it just easier to invest and check a voting trail once a month? Once a week?

HIVE presents an opportunity to earn some good crypto if you stay at it. Don't be afraid to reach out if you're starting in the middle. Most people 'round here, even many of the more distinguished, are more than willing to engage and support others.


They won't if you don't show your best, be yourself, and enjoy the process of beginning. Your energy is contagious when you allow it to shine.

If you're in the middle of your journey here, bogged down in boredom and frustration, ask yourself why. Whether it's here or somewhere else, only by beginning something new will your energy be sparked once more.

One of my favorite reasons for reading and engaging in other people's work here, is that it opens my eyes to new beginnings. And I need 'em desperately or I'll surely perish in the middle of the swamp of destitution.

Thanks for reading and as always...



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