Thoughtful daily post - Spice4life 1

I was looking through the topics suggested for the Lounge and the thoughtful daily post crab my attention.

So here I am, with what I am going to call Spice4life.
What will I write about? Well I am a lover of motivational, inspirational, self-help articles and books.

I believe for almost every problem in life there is a solution and there is help "out there" or even here on Hive. There are so many resources available to help us with life's problems. There are professional people, self-help books and thousands of articles on the world wide web. Their is no need to sit in a corner, all alone, overwhelmed by your problems. Help is just a phone call or a mouse click away.

I believe everyone deserves happiness and love but lots of times it's up to you to make it happen. Let me give an example. Say for instance you are lonely and you would like to find love but you stay at home all the time. Will you become less lonely just by doing the same things you are doing at the moment?
Well it's maybe not impossible but not likely. You will have to take steps to get out there, meet people.
You will have to think and plan where you can meet people, like join the gym, a running group, a book club, join friends for a drink, whatever will suit you, but it's up to you!

Another example: you are unhappy at your job. You just keep on telling everybody how unhappy you are day in and out. Is it going to change the situation?
No, you will have to do something! Start looking for a new job, apply for available jobs.

I once was very unhappy with only one aspect in my job. I was the office manager but also the teagirl and I had to do the dishes. I hated that part. So when I had enough, one day I walked into the bosses office and said to him: "I don't want to wash the dishes anymore, can't you hire a maid for that? The company did not had money problems, so if he valued me enough he could do that. But he said to me: "No, you will keep on doing it". Just then and there I decided I had enough. I immediately started applying for other jobs, telling my friends and family, I am looking for another job. A little bit more than a month later, I had a job, the pay, double the salary, with medical aid and a pension fund, which I did not have before. But I had to make it happen!

Everything in life requires work and action. Even if you a believer like me, you cannot just pray. It's "Ora et Labora" pray and work. God is not going to do for you what you can do for yourselve.

@jaynie was writing about feelings and how that feelings can help you to change your life. Your feelings can become the energy, the driving force that help you change your life, make it better!

There is 2 sides to that coin. Positive thoughts will become positive feelings and positive energy to achieve things.
Negative thoughts will lead to negative feelings and no energy, just one big black hole that will lead you on a path of self-destruction.

Maybe you say: "but I can't help how I feel?". I have good news for you. You can, you can control your feelings, you can choose what you think, choose positive, choose life, choose happiness.

Thank you for reading.


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