My Ability to "Lose" Stuff is Sometimes Alarming!

I just walked into my home office to download some Christmas photos from my camera; paused to make better room for the cat's bed on my desk (don't ask!) and promptly "lost" my camera in the process.

I'm completely open to the possibility that I am just getting old and senile... but the problem with that explanation is that I have been misplacing things like this since I was quite young; probably since my pre-teen years.

A bit of mid-winter "sunshine"

I am quite well aware of the fact that I saw that Shadow's bed was inching closer and closer to falling off the desk, so I set down the camera in a "safe spot" so it wouldn't accidentally get knocked on the floor while I was moving things around.

That's usually how it begins...

Ever do that thing where you have something important, and you decide that the best thing to do is to put it in a "safe spot" so you won't lose it for later?

My camera — which is by no means a "small" object — is currently in such a "safe" spot, waiting for me...

Meanwhile, Shadow is happily asleep on by hoodie, on the pulled out filing cabinet drawer.

At least ONE problem got solved...

"Lost" is a Relative Thing

You might have noticed that I put the word lost in quotes because these things aren't really lost... they are just temporarily invisible at the time when I need them most: right now.

Typically, they show up again soon after I have given up on the idea that I get to use them, OR the situation where I "urgently needed" them has passed.

Not always, though...

For example, I am still looking for about $1,300 worth of US Savings Bonds that I put in a "safe place" before I moved... in 2006! I'm sure they'll eventually show up, and I will be quite grateful for the "windfall" when it happens.

Till then, I'll just remain mildly regretful to not have the use of the money.

Japanese maple leaves...

Negative Hallucination...

This camera thing made me think of another term we often use around here: "Negative Hallucination."

In our own lingo, that basically means looking right AT something you are looking for or need to use, without seeing it.

"I negatively hallucinated the break knife" (which was next to the cutting board) while spending 10 minutes going through the dry and dirty dishes and every drawer in the kitchen.

The reason I am thinking about that is that I'm increasingly aware that I am probably negatively hallucinating the camera...

90 Minutes Passed...

I had a cup of coffee and ate some dinner... Mrs. Denmarkguy is sleeping; she had a "crisis call" with a client all night. The life of a minister/counselor... you have people over for Christmas dinner and your feet barely hit the ground after they've left before you're on the phone for many hours...

Visitor at the bird feeder

Yes, I found the camera

... which was right in front of me, except for a couple of padded envelopes that had fallen on top of it, disturbed by the slight draft caused by my folding the cat's blanket...

And so endeth this post pretty much about "nothing." A bit like an episode of Seinfeld, an entire show about nothing...

Thanks for reading... if you actually did!

Oh, and Happy Boxing Day!

(Another #creativecoin creative non-fiction post)

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Created at 191226 21:28 PST


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