Mid-week Musings: Anniversaries... and it's All a Matter of Time!

It was @cosmictriage's and my anniversary yesterday, so we took a slow day... which I find to be a really lovely luxury, in this day and age.

Of course, it was also Veterans Day here in the USA (and other places, sometimes known as "Remembrance Day"), so also a tip of the hat to all those who have served in the armed forces.


Time and Excellence

Since we did have a "slow" day yesterday, it got me to thinking about how life unfolds — at least for me — when I have plenty of time to do the things I am trying to get done.

And I was reminded that I actually do a really excellent job at most things, when I feel like I have plenty of time (or, at least, "enough" time) to do them.

Pondering this brought back memories of why I failed miserably at Korporate Amerika: I have never been any good at anything when I feel like I have to rush, or am expected to do something in less time than I feel is required... and, in this day and age, "rushing" is pretty much the name of the game, at all times.


The Speed of Life

I have written before about how it feels like life is eternally speeding up as we are subjected to ever more datapoints of information coming at us, faster and faster, in smaller and smaller chunks.

I used to think that my lacking capability to deal effectively with The Speed of Life was related to the fact that I was simply getting older and being unable to keep up with technology, but in having nice long conversations with our twenty-something and early thirty-something kids, they feel the effect, too.

UN-like me, however, they don't feel like they have a choice but to keep up, while I'm old enough to be able to say "to hell with this!" on a regular basis.


Needs vs. PERCEIVED Needs

Which brings me to the point of considering whether we actually need all this information at such a torrential rate, or is it simply the bi-product of a world that must keep us running in a state of... what? FOMO? A Frenzy, so we will keep BUYING the proliferation of goods and services that allegedly will make our lives "easier," while ultimately just feeding the capitalistic growth machine that depends on our ever-increasing consumption for its very survival?

And no, I am not some kind of "Commie Apologist," I'm simply pointing to the very real scenario that ultimately any system that relies on growing faster than its organic "base" (natural population growth or decline), is ultimately an unsustainable Ponzi-like structure doomed to fail... in the very long run.

We live for next month's results... but where is the 20-year plan, the 50-year plan, even the 100-year plan? And how is our myopic focus on what's happening RIGHT NOW going to affect the world of our grandchildren? Or have we all grown SO self-involved that we actually no longer give a shit about anything other than what we can do to please ourselves, right now?

Just something to think about.

Thanks for reading!

How about YOU? Do you feel like you can do things on your OWN time, at your own pace? Or is the greater world determining you pace? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!


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Created at 20201112 21:32 PDT


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