5 Tips on How to Be More Active on Social Media


5 tips on how to be more active on social media

H‍ello, DBuzz fans and friends!

Today, let's talk about ways to be more social on social media!

Creating social media content is only half the battle. Getting your audience to see it is the other. In order to be successful on social media, you need to think of it as an interactive experience and not simply a place to push out content.

Instead of thinking of your various channels as static platforms where you post things for people to see, think about how you can use them to interact with potential customers and grow your brand.

Even though interacting on social media may feel awkward at first (especially if you’re not used to talking about your company or personal life so much), it’s an important part of growing your brand. These tips will help you become more active on social media and get more views on each of your posts.

1. Be human

The biggest tip on how to be more active on social media is to be human.

Interacting with your audience is great, but it falls flat if you don’t come across as genuine. Make sure you’re not overcompensating for your nervousness by talking in a way that feels inauthentic. If you’re not sure where to start, read some of your favorite brands’ posts and try to emulate their tone and voice. Read articles from your industry and engage with people in the comments section. You’ll quickly find your own voice, and people will be able to tell you’re being genuine, not just following a script.

2. Don’t be afraid to ask for views

If you want your posts to go viral, you need some help.

Interacting with your audience and asking them to engage with your content is crucial, but it isn’t enough. You also need people who don’t follow you to see your posts.

If you’re just starting out and only have a few followers, you may feel like you can’t ask them to share your posts. You might even feel like you shouldn’t ask them to engage with your content at all. However, if you let those fears stop you from asking for help, your posts won’t ever go viral.

Don’t be afraid to ask your followers to share your posts on their various social media accounts. Be mindful not to overdo it, though. If you ask for shares on every post, people will start unfollowing you. You can also ask other accounts in your industry to share your posts. Just make sure you PM them, so their followers don’t see you appealing for shares.

3. Talk to your audience

Interacting with your audience often means responding to their comments on your posts.

You might feel a little weird the first few times someone responds to your content. You may not be used to conversing with a wide audience. However, you have to get used to it. If you ignore comments on your posts, people will see you as unapproachable and your posts will lose a lot of their value.

When people make comments on your posts, respond to them. If you don’t have time to respond to every single one, make sure you at least make an attempt to engage with your audience. People may even appreciate the fact that you can’t respond to every comment. It shows that you have a lot going on and that you’re appreciative of their input.

4. Experiment with video and GIFs

Different social media channels favor different types of content. For example, Instagram is best for pictures, whereas Facebook is great for videos. Whatever type of content you post, you should experiment with different types (including on DBuzz).

You don’t want to post only pictures because that’s all you’re comfortable with. If you’re not sure what type of posts work best on each channel, research your industry and see what types of posts get the most views. If you don’t have the resources to create full-length videos for each channel, you can also consider using GIFs. Studies have shown that GIFs are incredibly popular in almost all industries.

5. Ask for feedback

One of the best ways to become more active on social media is to ask for feedback on your posts. If you’re constantly trying to improve your posts, you’ll soon start seeing results.

If you want to know if your posts are successful, start asking your audience for feedback on each one. You can do this by asking general questions, such as “Did you find this post helpful?” or “Do you have any questions about this topic?”.


Social media is an important part of any modern marketing strategy. You can’t just post content and expect people to come to you. Instead, you need to interact with potential customers, engage with your audience, and make posts go viral. To be more active on social media, you need to be human and unafraid to ask for views. You also need to talk to your audience, experiment with different types of content, and ask for feedback.

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- The D.BUZZ


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