Blue Hiking Trail. Bakonynána-Jásd-Tés-Kisgyón. Part one: Little snow, thick ice

Yesterday I did another stretch of almost 20 miles on the Blue Trail. It was still dark when I left for the bus stop. At Dudar i had 2 minutes to transfer to get to Bakonynána.
Surely it was exciting, because what if I missed joining? I should have walked an extra 5 kilometres on asphalt. Even so, my feet hurt a lot in the last few kilometres.

This is what the stamping place in Bakonynána looks like.
It was a friendly place, but it was too cold for me to sit down and i couldn’t wait to get to the gorge.


Needless to say, it was a little snow here and it was cold. I was happy about that because at least there was no mud i hate. The stream was so frozen that I could have even crossed the ice.


That's how i saw the first rays of the Sun.
It was a beautiful and uplifting sight, as always.


I soon got to the well-known group of beech trees and admired them. It is a special creation of nature and i hope it will stand there for a very long time. It occurred to me that it would be good to draw them based on my pictures. It will not be an easy task!




There are many such small bridges over the creek, although I have a habit of not crossing the bridges but crossing by balancing on the stones.


I noticed this fresh green moss. It was striking among the many white, gray, and brown colors. I noticed this fresh green moss. It was striking among the many white, gray, and brown colors.


It was a wonderful sight as the sun shone on the frozen stream.


A few meters through the path, the ground on one side was crumbled. I had to be very careful not to fall into the creek. A few meters through the path, the ground on one side was torn. I had to be very careful not to fall into the creek. It was worth the effort because I hadn’t seen the gorge from this side yet, nor did I know its winter form. Due to the special microclimate of the gorge, it is always a few degrees colder than its surroundings.


The locals call it the Roman Baths. In summer, in the great heat, it can be a really cooling experience to stand under the small waterfall. There is only one problem: in the greatest heat, the stream often sinks completely.



Nature built the huge walls, not man. Yet it looks like some ancient castle.



Leaving the gorge, I headed for Jásd, which is not far away, a light walk of barely 40 minutes. There was no longer a bridge in this part of the creek, only one or two slippery pieces of wood and protruding stones. Relying on my hiking poles, I avoided the big fall into the water.


The ground was still frozen, but the sun was warming me heavily. I had to take a sweater off myself.



I arrived at Jásd, where I took a 30 minutes break at the village groceries, drank hot coffee and ate one of my sandwiches.
Then I moved on because I had more than half way back.


So far, the tour has been surprisingly easy. The place was already familiar and the Blue Trail signs were also easy to follow. I knew I had to climb a big steep section after that but I felt strong. Next time I will continue to describe the tour.

To be continued!
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