Infinity Guests (A guild for the guildless)

This picture was taken from the golems overlord game site.

I noticed in discord often that many people have recently stopped by looking for a guild. This game is actually a core reason I started navigating back into hive because it has kept my curiosity and interest. One of the things that fascinates me the most is @yixn (The creator/dev) not sure if this is his hive name as well or not if not I will edit.

For those of us that was with us in the first few days of the start you knew it was a rollercoaster of excitement, updates, events, buffs/nerfs, as well as a very vibrant active and friendly discord environment. Often times when we play or join a game we are looking for enjoyment or a way to pass the time. At times lets be real because we are in the crypto space a lot of individuals are into the idea of getting an "roi." Although there is no promises you will make an roi, but I think if you are proactive, keep growing your account, and just put in the work and time to learn the game and all of its ever changing and evolving ecosystem you will do just fine. Don't worry that there are a few people making an abundance of parts as many of those guys are here for the LONGGGG game and we are all just on this crazy journey to see what it develops into.

I have never experienced a game that has had so many edits, taken feedback, and evolved in such a short matter of time. I guess that's the difference of an independent developer who is building a game of passion, a game in which he truly would enjoy playing himself. Although I haven't had the pleasure of really getting to know Yixn like many of you I look forward to being a part of this community and learning more about each and every one of you.

Speaking of building a game he would love to play, my passion has always been in the ideology of a community. As a gamer at times I can be insanely competitive, at times even very arrogant and I am always constantly working on learning to humble myself. With that being said I've been blessed by this game so I decided I wanted to do something to try to give back to make peoples experience within this game a little more enjoyable in a way that I can which was create a guild that allows open access regardless of position or finances.

The guild is "Infinity Guests" and I welcome you to join our community. The only requirement is posting here, messaging me here, or just dming in discord at InfinityTcg#8041 .
The way it will work is everyone will at LEAST have a spot for 2-3 days as we try to cycle out through people (if there even is a waiting list) so that people can get the current 3% boost to help with earning parts. I went ahead and bought 7 workbenches so that gives us 11 slots free right now for members.

Some cool ideas I have is maybe we can do a progress report type of post where we post the progression of some of the members or just post little achievements like our highest raided parts amount. Feel free to drop your ideas/thoughts and lets build the community we ourselves would love to be a part of. Yixn has already created a game and wonderful ecosystem for us to engage now we should all do our part to create the community we'd like to be a part of.
This is my referral link to join the game if you don't have an account already (disclaimer I do get 2 hive from this that I will probably use as a giveaway or split with you. Heck I'll even give you the 2 hive back if that's what you want just let me know)

A special thanks to @apeofwallst and @pladozero without you 2 I wouldn't have had the courage and motivation to explore this game and truly teamwork makes the dream work

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