MES Livestream 39: Dr. Morgan Reynolds Discusses 9/11, Legal Case against NIST, Economics, and More

Professor emeritus, and former Chief Economist at the U.S. Department of Labor, Morgan Reynolds joins the show to discuss his Request for Correction (RFC) against the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) over their 9/11 "plane" crashes investigation. He will also discuss the current economic landscape, US insanity, and his thoughts on global war.

DISCLAIMER: Regardless of what the objects in the air on 9/11 were, we will refer to them as "planes" to avoid being flagged by YouTube's "Hate Speech" guidelines:

YouTube does not allow "Hate Speech" against "victims of a major violent event and their family members" and "also do not allow content that denies that a well-documented, violent event took place."

June 1, 2024 SATURDAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 10 PM CAT / 21:00 GMT (UK)

Morgan Reynold Links

Website- Facebook - Mises Institute - Wikipedia

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Stream Notes and Links

Morgan Reynolds.jpeg

  1. MES Links:
  2. Morgan Reynolds Bio:
  3. Fox News solved 9/11 in 45 seconds:
  4. Fetzer "debate":
  5. Eugene Mallove's death and Michael Zebuhr, Dr. Judy Wood's student:
  6. Wiki:
  7. Morgan Reynolds 2013 interview with Dr. Judy Wood:
  8. Strobe lights (likely) added in later deceptive videos.
  9. Morgan Reynolds, John Lear, Andrew Johnson, Richard Hall interview:
  10. Morgan Reynolds, Frank Goodman interview:
  11. Scott Myers Carrie court trial June 2/4:
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