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Shamanic Journey -

Conscious Dreaming - Ancient Way To Reflect Life while having a conversation with oneself. To me, we all have this connection to love, the light, the one, the infinite energy (with many given names trough out aeons)!

There are Shamans, the ones staying in constant conversation with the universe, for the better good of the community, often training their heirs, so the most efficient way to use the power of love will not be forgotten. Though...

When folks talk about the fact, that humans have lost their connection to nature, they talk about this, our natural instinct, the possibility of using the consciousness we are given, to make the best out of our life. Though...

Born with this open channel, many of us are real quick blinded, stunned, mouth forbidden! Conditioned to the point, the imposed illusions becomes their only "reality", which they then defend violently until death. Though...

Mine stayed open, always "giving a hard time" to the folks living around me. Asking questions, when not supposed to. Then, treated like a mentally ill person, cast out like a contagious disease, "civilized society" tried hard to shut me down, but my life had other plans. I always stayed connected for the better of the world, for the better of ALL sentimental beings and Mother Earth.

A soul mate showed me the way to my first contact of Shamanic Traveling. Wow, that was like coming home. It showed me again, that what i've lived all along was naturally right, i was on the right track my whole life. Since then i educated myself and followed many different trainings in the use of the shamanic way of traveling.

Now, why do i write about this here? It is because of a "Brother from far away", a immense artist of life, someone i met not long ago all over the crypto space and started following and loving the art he's producing. And then, the one day comes he shows us this collection to give him input about the pieces that should/could become NFT's... and the most incredible thing happend. One artwork i knew already for 20 years... the picture of me and my power animal.

It was the exact picture out of my dream. Colours, dimensions, the place where you can't really say is it in the water or is it in the air... I was sitting there with my jaw dropped open for i don't know how long. Bizarre enough, there was no surprise, just appreciation for the beauty of life, 'cause i know for a fact that we all have the same consciousness. Everything in our mind and soul is connected with every other mind and soul. One is All and All is One.

The Awesomeness here is, that @failingforwards found a way to "my dream" and took that picture of the day i met one of my spiritual guides. Another proof of life, that One is All and All is One.

Today i'm the happy owner of an NFT from a moderate shark 😁. And i feel that he's really tapping into the consciousness and is able to bring out some important messages of life. Maybe soon you'll find yours as NFT in his showroom.

Peace Love and Grooviness

BTW - i'm the Dude
i do what i want, when i want and how i want can find me @ these awesome places!

banner by @d00k13

banner by @thekittygirl

banner by @tripode

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