I might forget to smile


... But only for a moment...

Inside, I smile.
I smile at things, people, animals, nature, and just about anything.

Everything gives me life.

I've been told with negative innuendos, that I am a rolling stone.
Maybe that's what I was meant to be.

... I am free!
Free to think for me,
To act the way I want,
To do the things I want.
To go where I please.

I don't have to conform, nor do I have to rebel. Yet, a punctilious approach to the things that I venture into, from an altruistic perspective, is my pride.

I dabble in different fields that I have an aptitude for, or I might delve into new areas to gain new skills for personal development. Nevertheless, it's my mentality, self-discipline, and most important, an inner drive to succeed to be the best at anything I devote my time to; That's what keeps me motivated regardless of what's happening in my life.
I am not afraid to fail, because it's in those times when things derail, that I grow.

My growth mindset makes me live to learn.
I see the world as a place full of possibilities, and I believe that with imagination, creativity, and positive energy, I can still gather much with movement.


I might forget to smile...

... but only for a moment, sometimes.

Thoughts that soon I'll be moving on again fill me with mixed emotions.

But nothing in life is set in stone.
I roam in different directions, as I sway with the wind, but I direct my life by making the best of whatever opportunities or circumstances I find myself in.

Growth might not be palpable from an onlooker's view, but I strongly believe these words of Leonardo da Vinci.

"There are three classes of people: Those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see."

Trust me, "I see!"
... and what I see is all that matters to me.

I must be a committed rolling stone.

With every move I make, I take something with me, and I give a part of me away.

That's life to me; Learning, gaining experience, and becoming a critical thinker of the world.

Some paths might be clearer than others, and I might not take a direct route. However, experience has taught me that there is no specific route because there are various destinies.
I am a survivor, and I know that vicissitudes come in seasons, and despite what one might show on the outside, it's what's inside the mind that matters.

This may have turned out lyrical, without intent.

Just a short one to free my mind while working.

Thanks for stopping by:)

Peace 🙏

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