Texas holdem poker 5/15

Hi guys!

Would you play this hand any differently?
let me know your thoughts!


hell yeah! pocket aces!! best starting hand!


unfortunately… first two players folded their hand.. i dont want everyone to fold.. so raising to $5 only!.. one caller


flop comes out to 2,2,3 rainbow! yay i hate flush draw.. although theres str draw out there but highly unlikely at this point..


player check.. i know i probably have the best hand.. raising half the pot! i mean i raised preflop.. he would think this is just follow up bet!


he calls my bet!


another 2 on the turn!! giving me a full house! at this point, only card im scared of is 2 which is highly unlikely.. if he has 2, then oh well… losing all my money


betting half the pot and player just calls! at this point, i think he may have ace with good kicker.. or lower pocket pair..pot is now $40!! which is good amount of money.


river comes out 7.. player checks again! im betting again but only half the pot.. i dont want him to fold


after thinking about it briefly, he just calls!


shows Ace Queen! yay nice $80 pot! not bad!

this hand was super nice!! but then it got little worse..

started with $75 and ended with $0! lol recharged and played again but then there goes my $75 again… total loss of $150! fml!

well hope tomorrow will be a better day for me!! see you all

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