Soneto Para Orly, un poema/.Sonnet for Orly, a poem/.

Saludos cordiales para todos, en ocasión del cumpleaños de mi hija Orlymar @fulani este mes de enero de 2022, quise compartir con ustedes un soneto que vislumbra sus cualidades como artista, donde la pintura, la música, la danza, el diseño artístico entre varios dotes que la caracteriza, queda plasmado en mi sentimiento hecho Soneto, que es una forma poética de catorce versos estructurados en dos cuartetos y dos tercetos del arte mayor de la poesía.

Best regards to all, on the occasion of my daughter Orlymar @fulani's birthday this January 2022, I wanted to share with you a sonnet that glimpses her qualities as an artist, where painting, music, dance, artistic design among several dowry that characterizes her, is embodied in my feeling made Sonnet, which is a poetic form of fourteen verses structured in two quatrains and two triplets of the major art of poetry.

soneto orly.jpg

Soneto para Orly .

Con música comienza bien temprano
con su piano y con su voz afinada
por el gusto en cantar sus tonadas
y en su sello por siempre, entonamos.

Los dibujos que siempre motivaron
entre rostros y formas encantadas
pájaros, culebras enamoradas,
y negritud, que siempre valoramos.

Contemporáneo es su sueño a danzar
libres palomas, que danzan en vuelos
buscando caminos en su anidar

Inspirada en el mar, tierra y cielo
y herederos que le marcan el andar
con el arte, familia y con esmero.

Sonnet for Orly.

With music it starts very early
with his piano and with his tuned voice
for the pleasure of singing their tunes
and in his seal forever, we sing.

The drawings that always motivated
between faces and enchanted shapes
birds, snakes in love,
and blackness, which we always value.

Contemporary is the dream of him to dance
free doves, that dance in flight
looking for paths in its nest

Inspired by the sea, land and sky
and heirs that mark the walk
with art, family and with care.



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