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ASILO Y FINAL: Sin un ala pero con valor / PART 2 [Esp-Eng]

Saludos amigos

Hoy llega el final de esta breve historia, que hace unos días les empecé a contar, sobre esta mariposa monarca que encontré en mi jardín sin un ala, lo que me causó tristeza pero a la vez admiración. Su historia no podía pasar desapercibida, aunque se trate solo de un insecto. Sin ella saberlo, esa parte de su vida, de dolor y valentía a la vez, es más que una simple anécdota que me ofrece para contar, es una lección para mí y para quienes lo desean. Es una oportunidad para revisarnos y formularnos preguntas con respuestas objetivas sobre la vida, el sufrimiento y la muerte: ¿Somos conscientes de nuestra existencia? ¿Somos valientes o no? ¿Cómo es la huella que dejamos en nuestro breve paso por la vida?

Bien amigos, como les dije, hoy termino el relato que en complicidad inicié junto a mi hijo mayor. Para quienes no conocen el principio de esta historia aquí está la publicación anterior:

ADMIRABLE: Sin un ala pero con valor / PART 1 [Esp-Eng]

Greetings friends

Today comes the end of this brief story, that a few days ago I started to tell you, about this monarch butterfly that I found in my garden without a wing, which caused me sadness but at the same time admiration. Her story could not go unnoticed, even though it is only an insect. Without her knowing it, that part of her life, of pain and courage at the same time, is more than a simple anecdote that she offers me to tell, it is a lesson for me and for those who want it. It is an opportunity to review ourselves and ask ourselves questions with objective answers about life, suffering and death: Are we aware of our existence? Are we brave or not? How is the mark we leave in our brief passage through life? Are we brave or not?

Well friends, as I told you, today I finish the story that I started in complicity with my eldest son. For those who don't know the beginning of this story, here is the previous publication:

ADMIRABLE: Without a wing but with value / PART 1 [Eng-En]

Asilo en nuestra casa

Asylum in our house

Luego de rescatar a la mariposa le di asilo en nuestra casa. La tuve en una caja con algunas flores. Todo ello en mi intento de serle útil... con la esperanza de que pudiera causarle alivio y darle así, una mano a su deseo de supervivencia.

After rescuing the butterfly I gave her asylum in our house. I kept it in a box with some flowers. All this in my attempt to be of service to her.... in the hope that I could bring her relief and give her a helping hand in her desire to survive.

Veía una historia de valentía. Su pérdida debía causarle sufrimiento, pues no podía volar ni conservar la estabilidad en sus patas.

He saw a story of bravery. His loss must have caused him suffering, for he could neither fly nor keep his legs stable.

Ella se movía poco pero ponía su mejor esfuerzo para intentar comer del néctar de las flores.

She moved little but did her best to try to eat the nectar of the flowers.

No podía ir en busca de alimento, algo que hacen constantemente las mariposas. Por eso mi intento de ofrecerle flores frescas, solo que se marchitaban muy rápido.

She could not go in search of food, something butterflies do constantly. Hence my attempt to offer her fresh flowers, only she was wilting too quickly.

Se me ocurrió poner las flores en un recipiente con agua sin quitar las marchitas del suelo para que no se sintiera rodeada solamente de cartón. Esa era yo, tratando de recrear un ambiente regularmente adecuado. No es fácil sustituir la naturaleza.

It occurred to me to put the flowers in a container with water without removing the wilted ones from the ground so that it would not feel surrounded only by cardboard. That was me, trying to recreate a regularly suitable environment. It is not easy to replace nature.

Siempre le echaba un vistazo y en un momento me emocionó verla intentando subir por la pared de cartón de la caja. Pensé que estaba agarrando fuerzas. Era buena señal.

I always kept an eye on her and at one point I was thrilled to see her trying to climb up the cardboard wall of the box. I thought she was gaining strength. It was a good sign.

Se metía entre las flores y se veía un poco más fortalecida.

She was getting in among the flowers and looked a little stronger.

Ella tenía mi atención, mi tiempo alcanzaba también para ella. Claro que mis hijos siempre de cómplices me ayudaban con la vigilancia.

She had my attention, my time was also enough for her. Of course, my children were always my accomplices and helped me with the surveillance.

El final...

Fui a la caja nuevamente. Mi afán por vigilarla me hacía estar pendiente de ella. Para mi sorpresa estaba en el fondo de la caja y su postura ya no era alentadora para mí.

The end...

I went to the cashier again. My eagerness to keep an eye on her made me keep an eye on her. To my surprise she was at the bottom of the box and her posture was no longer encouraging to me.

Me entristecí, no era suficiente lo que le ofrecía. Ella era un insecto así que era comprensible que no sobreviviera tanto tiempo.

I was saddened, it wasn't enough what I was offering her. She was an insect so it was understandable that she wouldn't survive that long.

Duró día y medio. Debo pensar que fue mucho tiempo para una mariposa que le faltaba un ala.

Con esa valentía que admiré me regaló varias poses como agradeciéndome. Solo que era yo quien le agradecía esta oportunidad con ella. Han pasado cuatro años de esa experiencia y sin ella saberlo me regaló una valiosa enseñanza de vida con su muerte.

Ella me demostraba que no se rendiría fácilmente, pero no con soberbia sino con humildad. Recuerden que estamos hablando de una mariposa. Un bello símbolo de nobleza.

It lasted a day and a half. I should think that was a long time for a butterfly that was missing a wing.

With that bravery that I admired she gave me several poses as if thanking me. Only it was I who thanked her for this opportunity with her. Four years have passed since that experience and without her knowing it she gave me a valuable life teaching with her death.

She was showing me that she would not give up easily, but not with pride but with humility. Remember we are talking about a butterfly. A beautiful symbol of nobility.

Esta amiga fugaz, se hizo eterna al permitirme encontrarla...

This fleeting friend, she became eternal by allowing me to meet her...

De @parauri para el mundo ♥

From @parauri to the world ♥

Fotos propias. Tomadas con mi cámara Olympus FE-46 12MP

Own photos. Taken with my Olympus FE-46 12MP camera

Mis fotos las edito usando Picasa

I edit my photos using Picasa





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