Concurso de literatura La Abeja Obrera | Las Ironías de la Vida de Cesar

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Cesar a sus 40 años, consideraba que había hecho de todo, había conocido a muchas personas buenas, malas, de todo un poco, se jactaba de decir que tenia una buena visión de las personas. Su personalidad risueña, le ayudaba siempre ante las malas situaciones.

Muchos le criticaban por esta forma de ser tan soñadora, pero a el esto poco le traía sin cuidado sus opiniones, dueño de su vida, de sus sueños, poco le importaba el que dirán, aparte de que gozaba de una sexualidad muy abierta, reconociéndose homosexual, pero sin compromisos serios y no por falta de ganas, si no por que aun no había llegado la pareja soñada, que se adaptara plenamente a su loca personalidad.

Lo único que le faltaba para ser completamente feliz y sentirse realizado era conocer ese ser maravilloso, con el que viajaría conocería el mundo y por fin tendría esa casa soñada, también esperaba en algún momento heredar el negocio familiar, que le otorgaría mayor independencia económica y ahí si tendría la vida feliz.

Soñaba con tener un lugar propio pues siempre había vivido alquilado, por aquello de la independencia y la parte económica para el y a su estilo de vida se adaptaba mejor, pues gustaba de compartir con sus amistades y si tenia pareja ocasional otro tanto, pero siempre decía que para ser feliz necesitaba esas dos cosas.

Fuente/ Source

Su padre murió al poco tiempo. Le llegó su herencia tan esperada para esta época ya tenia 45 años. Tiempo después a lo sumo dos meses, luego de heredar, conoció al que a el le pareció la persona ideal para ser feliz por fin, su vida estaba andando como el quería, no podía ser mejor.

Pero como todo en esta vida tiene un pero, empezó a sentirse mal y acudió al medico, exámenes iban y venían, dando por resultado un tumor inoperable en su cerebro. Claro que tenia "opciones", tratamiento con radioterapia y quimios con sus terribles efectos. No quiso aceptar estas terapias, que solo le iban a causar otras molestias mayores e igual iba a morir a los pocos meses, eso decían los médicos y sus predicciones.

Igualmente, sus condiciones físicas desmejoraron mucho y pronto su pareja "soñada" no soporto tanta enfermedad, como le dijo cruelmente y se marchó dejándole nuevamente solo. Ahora tenia el dinero para viajar, comprar la casa que siempre quiso en cualquier parte del mundo, pero no tenia fuerzas ni para salir a tomar aire fresco. ¡Oh Cesar que ironías de la vida!

Tanto soñar Cesar con estas dos cosas y ninguna le iban a salvar de morir cuando le tocara . Ahora atesora cada bocanada de aire que puede aspirar, cada día en que puede vivir sin menos dolor, en cada abrazo recibido, en ese helado saboreado, en cada nuevo amanecer, en esa reunión de amigos, cada momento es un milagro vivido. Ahora a comprendido que en esas pequeñas cosas esta la felicidad de la vida, que la felicidad esta en el aquí y en el ahora.

Fuente/ Source

Encantada de recibir la invitación del amigo @jesuspsoto, me sumo a la Iniciativa que en esta ocasión, le rinde homenaje a Miguel Otero Silva. Invito a mis amigas @popurri y @annafenix, a que también compartan con nosotros su creatividad, así como a todos mis demás amigos en las diferentes comunidades a que se animen a participar.


Cesar, at 40 years old, considered that he had done everything, he had met many good people, bad people, a little bit of everything, he boasted that he had a good vision of people. His smiling personality always helped him in bad situations.

Many criticized him for this way of being so dreamy, but he didn't care about his opinions, he was the owner of his life, of his dreams, he didn't care about what people would say, besides he enjoyed a very open sexuality, recognizing himself as homosexual, but without serious commitments and not for lack of desire, but because he still hadn't found the dreamed partner, who would fully adapt to his crazy personality.

The only thing he lacked to be completely happy and feel fulfilled was to meet that wonderful being, with whom he would travel, know the world and finally have that dream house, he also hoped at some point to inherit the family business, which would give him greater economic independence and there if he would have a happy life.

He dreamed of having a place of his own because he had always lived rented, because of the independence and the economic part for him and his lifestyle was better suited, because he liked to share with his friends and if he had an occasional partner, but he always said that to be happy he needed those two things.

His father died soon after. He got his long-awaited inheritance by this time he was already 45 years old. Time later at most two months, after inheriting, he met the one who seemed to him the ideal person to be happy at last, his life was going as he wanted, it could not be better.

But as everything in this life has a but, he began to feel bad and went to the doctor, tests came and went, resulting in an inoperable tumor in his brain. Of course he had "options", treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy with its terrible effects. He did not want to accept these therapies, which would only cause him further discomfort and he would still die within a few months, that was what the doctors and their predictions said.

In the same way, his physical conditions deteriorated a lot and soon his "dream" partner could not stand so much illness, as he cruelly told him, and left him alone again. Now he had the money to travel, to buy the house he always wanted anywhere in the world, but he did not even have the strength to go out for fresh air. Oh Cesar, what ironies of life!

Cesar dreamed so much about these two things and neither of them were going to save him from dying when it was his turn. Now he treasures every breath of air he can breathe, every day he can live without less pain, in every hug received, in that ice cream tasted, in every new dawn, in that meeting of friends, every moment is a miracle lived. Now she has understood that in those little things is the happiness of life, that happiness is in the here and now.

Delighted to receive the invitation of my friend @jesuspsoto, I join the Initiative that on this occasion, pays tribute to Miguel Otero Silva. I invite my friends @popurri and @annafenix, to also share their creativity with us, as well as all my other friends in the different communities to participate.

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