Before I tell you what is in my mind,let me tell you a story of a young boy who received twelve strokes on his buttocks all because of bad usage of time
Once upon a time ,there was a boy named David.He was given an assignment in school to do.Instead of him to do the assignment,he was busy playing with friends.He came back from school around 2pm and played till around 6pm.It was an assignment that would not take him 30minutes to do. He knew very well that his cousin Samuel would come by 4pm to stay in their house and Samuel's work took took much of his time around 9pm. He was dozing will doing it and eventually slept till the next morning.He woke up by 6am . Instead of him to put samuel aside, David began another round of play. His mother shouted at him ,but it fell on deaf ears. When he got to school,his first offence was that ,he came late and was flogged 6 strokes of the Cane on the same buttocks. All through that day , David suffered great pains because he didn't use his time well.


it's very amazing to note that students in the same class ,who are placed under the tutelage of the same refectory and given accommodation writing
in the same boarding house do not have the same academic performance. Equally noteworthy is that managers who are trained in a particular tertiary institution under the supervision of a set of celebrated professors may hardly show the same degree of efficiency and impact. what may have differentiated the degree of impact of students and the managers ? Perhaps,the way these people translated time amidst other resources to useful things put them in the different categories they find themselves.
The direction the wheel of time management is steered differentiates a dullard ,a perpetual employee and s spectator from the influential inventor ,a professor, enterprenuer and rich merchant,who command respect, influence and affluence. The way time is utilized for work affects a person's wealth,social status and academic attainment.
The fascinating story told in a book about the young Englishman called Isaac Newton will in no way illustrate the importance of wise use of time. While spending his vacation on his grandmother's farm in England,Isaac Newton,one day lay on his back under an apply tree in reflective mood. Soon,as if divinely arranged ,a ripe apple fruit fell to the ground.Other age mates could have spent the time to pick and eat the succulent apple ,Isaac acted differently, seeking to find out the law which underlay the falling of the apple. The questions which flooded the busy mind of this young man were as follows:"why does the apple fall to the ground? Does the earth attract the apple ?Does the apple attract the earth?" In a bid to find answers to these puzzling questions,Isaac Newton made researches that led to the discovery of the law of gravity.Other discoveries followed because this man wanted to put time into creative use.


Time well managed by an individual more often than not put the person on the map.Time is a scarce but very important resource for human existence .In the sweet language of J. Oswald Sanders(1977),time is defined as "a stretch of duration in which things happen ",he believes that time is "life measured out to us(human beings)for work." Aeroplanes, which people flood to numerous airports round the world to board,are magnificent outcomes of right use of time.What about the attractive storey- buildings,the flashy cars that flank city garage in a variety of streamlinings ,and the modern carriage ways of inexplicable gloss and smoothness? They come into existence through proper investment of time .
Not only that time is scarce , having defiled the ingenuity of scientists to attempt to save or retrieve it,but also it is irreplaceable. In spite of these shortcomings,time is quite indispensable, being needed for every kind of work.The way you use the time available to you decides the degree of influence and efficiency in all you do in life .Time changes form from abstraction into enjoyable things only when human persons accept to apply energy ,good sense and right action to it.
To workers in the bank,the ticking of the clock is synonymous with increasing profit;hence every worker's activities during the official hours are given intense Scrutiny. When you visit the wards ,you may be surprised why nurses and doctors exercise strange haste in delivery rooms,operating theatres and everywhere. Even though their faces glitter and sparkle with cheer and warmth from their medical training, civilities and pleasantries are exchanged from a distance in a great hurry in the forefront of business. Time to them means life or death. Merchants and rich business tycoons measure time in units of money exchanged in the sales or purchase of commodities.
Time has to be redeemed from idle chats ,useless visual entertainments, immoral romances and other irrelevances, and be wisely devoted to academic and business pursuits, skills acquisition, useful bodily exercises, reading books and other relevant and profitable activities. To the students in the Secondary and tertiary institutions,time utilized for intensive study and academic exercises translates to excellent performance,good certificates and gainful employment. A radio announcer once said ,"yesterday's well lived is today's happiness and tomorrow's dream of hope".
Effective ways to fruitfully make use of time are as follows:
-- Set deadlines for all your activities by means of a well prepared timetable.Fix time for travels , washing clothes, reading books , sleeping, visiting people and doing all things.
-- Form healthy habits that will enable you embark on helpful practices through conditioning yourself to master them.
-- set priorities for yourself on daily basis.That will Help you to give attention to tasks that matter most in your life.
-- Do time inventory and check how you spend your time each day to persuade you to avoid abuse of time.
Whether you will be poor or rich,illiterate or highly educated , unproductive or productive depends on how time is spent.So ,use time prudently, intelligently and fruitfully.

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